Mia hurriedly calls the police.
"I thought that guy is in police custody?" Ryan asks letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I thought so too, apparently he escaped yesterday." Mia comes back to my room.
"What?" I ask feeling like am going to pass out. I take a seat on the floor concentrating on my breathing.
"They said they didn't expect for him to bother you," Mia says rolling her eyes which if it was other times, I would laugh but now all I feel like is sobbing and going crazy.
"They are here," Ryan says walking in with two new police officers.
"Miss Kaylee I am Anderson and this is Pete, we were assigned on this case. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused in our department. One of the police officers collaborating with an unknown woman got the man out. I assure you we will catch the criminal." Anderson states and I nod.
After answering all their questions they insist I get somewhere else to stay and one policeman would be assigned to me.
"You will stay with me at the mansion. Dad already agreed on a..." Mia insists but I cut her off.
"I can't stand your mother Mia." I sigh thinking about how yesterday I thought my life was finally back to normal I wake up pregnant and a sick son of a bitch is out to get back at me!
"Of course you can. It's much safer there and you have to agree." She states making a point.
I wouldn't want to put Hazel or anyone in danger. The mansion has high security than even the president himself.
"Alright. Let me get my things first." I say grabbing my suitcases and stuffing my things.
"Am done!" I yell from my closet.
Ryan and Mia help to carry the suitcases to the car and Ryan speeds off to the mansion.
I put on my earphones as I stare at the city slowly fading away. I feel my eyelids getting heavier and I let sleep take me away.
"Kaylee, we are here." Mia slightly shakes me.
I open my eyes and stare at the mansion before getting my seatbelt off and following Ryan and Mia to the house.
The butler opens the door and eyes me warily.
"I heard what happened to your place. Am glad you came over." Alexander says pulling me into a hug.
"What's going on here Alex?" Amelia asks to scowl.
"Amelia, Kaylee will be staying here for as long as she wants," Alexander says his hands on my shoulder.
"No. We finally got rid of her and she comes back to my house?" Amelia asks.
"This is my house and she is staying. Get over it." Alexander says her eyes shifting from me to Alexander.
"My son left you, you decided to go for my husband? Your mother must be ashamed of you." She sneers and that was the last straw.
She can call me all the names but she should never, ever talk of my family.
I charge at her grabbing her by her hair and throw a punch at her face not caring where I was hitting.
I get pulled away by Ryan.
"You hit pretty well. I almost thought this was a guy fight." Ryan whispers in my ears before letting me go.
"Well, that went well than expected," Mia says looking between me and her mother.
"Let me show you to your room. Well, it used to be Theo's room before he moved. I hope you don't mind." Mia asks leading me up the stairs.
"I don't mind plus I need some ice on my hand. They hurt." I say chuckling and Mia join me.
"Alright. Let me get you settled in first." She says as we go into the room.
"You need to rest I asked Ryan to get you your brushes and all that. Also the vitamins the doctor prescribed." Mia says as she exits the room.
I decide to get in the shower before I take a nap.
I strip before jumping into the shower. After fifteen minutes of the luxurious shower, I dry my body before wrapping a white to be around my body.
I look at myself in the mirror and I could see a small bump was forming. I decided to unpack my suitcases since I didn't know what to do about my situation. I pick on my red pajamas I get my Pride and Prejudice book flipping it to where I had left off.
A knock on the door startles me.
"Come in," I say looking up to see Ryan with my things. After setting up them and he excuses himself leaving.
"Guess what?" Mia budges into my room.
"What?" I ask seeing she is irritated with whatever she wants to talk about.
"Theo and Isabella are downstairs. My mother invited them to dinner!" Mia yells pulling her hair.
"So? They are not bothering me." I say turning back to my book.
"That's not all. They will be staying here as well!" She wails and I look up closing the book and placing it on the nightstand.
"What?" I raise a question.
"Now you understand that witch will be making this house a living hell," Mia states hugging me.
"We will give her exactly what she wants. War." I sneer.
"Well I would say yes but remember you are pregnant, you need to relax. I will take care of everything. If I have to, I will call Colin and Hazel to move in also." She says and I chuckle.
"Well, I don't want to involve them in my problems. I didn't want to involve any of you in my problems. I was fine before I came to work here." I say looking down.
"Hey, you are family now and if I may add, you fixed up my life. I know Theo loves you but Isabella has some kind of hold on him. If only I knew what." Mia states rubbing her chin.
"What if the unknown woman is Isabella? I mean, Eddy did say a classy lady told him to attack me. Then the police said there's an unknown woman who helped Eddy get off police custody. I don't know but Isabella is capable." I state staring at thin air.
"You are right Kay. You know now that you have mentioned that, I am thankful my mother invited them to stay here. I wonder how I can get access to their room..."
"Easy. A camera." I voice and she nods her head agreeing.
"I'll ask Colin to get it. We should act pretty normal. Before calling Colin and informing him of everything.
"Let me go shower. I will get you once am done. Dinner should be ready within thirty minutes." Mia asserts. She leaves me to go get dressed.
What exactly does Isabella have against Theo?
Whatever it is, I will find out.
I need the love of my life back.
I need him.
Stay safe😊