" Wake up sleeping beauty." A familiar voice calls out. I flutter my eyes open letting my eyes adjust to the deemed light. Sitting opposite to me are Theo and Isabella, both unconscious.
" Theo..." I rasp out. Trying to stand only to fall back on the chair, both my hands and legs tied on the chair no way could I get out of it.
"Finally you are awake," He sends a wicked smile my way before pointing at Isabella and Theo, " Wake them up."
He takes a seat at the end of the table, leaving the next one empty. Ronaldo smirks emptying a bucket full of ice on Isabella and Theo. They both jolt awake.
"Theo..." I crock out. My throat dry, it hurt every time I opened my mouth.
" Kaylee, your love for him sickens me. You should have just stayed away from these two, just maybe you wouldn't be here with them." Liam shakes his head as if he was disappointed in me.
" You do know grandma probably knows I'm not safe, she would have-" I start, my heart beating hard against my chest.
" Let me cut you right there, your grandma is at the mansion thinking you are fine just dealing with Theo's disappearance." He says casually.
" She wouldn't believe that." I retort.
" Would she believe It, if I took the kids in the name of taking them to you?" Liam challenges that did shut me up. I didn't want my kids to be involved in this, what confused me is why Isabella was sitting next to me beaten up that I almost couldn't recognize her.
" I thought so. Since all of you are awake, how about I introduce my wife who wanted this whole reunion. " He rubs his palms together.
" Ronaldo, tell her they're ready," Liam says to one of the men standing by the door.
" I know you are confused, but everything will be revealed soon. " He says a menacing look in his eyes. Theo lets out a grunt and I turn to him, I'm about to speak when the door is pulled open by Ronaldo, who dramatically steps aside revealing the one person I never thought I'd see again.
" I'm certain you've met my wife," Liam says standing up and pulling the chair next to him.
"Ooh Kaylee, you look like you've seen a ghost." Kim grins at me.
" Liam is your..."I gasp. I couldn't even believe what
I was hearing. Kim wasn't married, she has sentenced to ten years in prison thanks to my lawyer at that time."Let me tell you guys a story."She leans forward, her hands on the table.
"When this bitch asked me to join her to bring you down, she didn't inform me about going to prison. They left me there to rot as they went on with their lives, that is until Liam found me and got me out. About that...thank you." She says before pecking his lips.
One second they're kissing, the next Liam's blood covers all of us. I let out a scream, barely breathing seeing his body going limp and falling to the ground, his brains scattered everywhere.
"I don't understand men, they think just because we fucked it means I'm in love with them. Poor Liam. Ronaldo, take his body away. It's disgusting. " I hear Kim's voice from afar, my eyes not daring to leave Liam's body on the dirty concrete floor. Ronaldo drags his body out leaving a trail of blood. If I had eaten something I'm sure I would have vomited my guts out. My eyes finally land on Kim who is looking at me, her eyes cold.
"So, I'm here to solve your love life triangle," Kim says excitement in her voice.
"Go to hell Kim." Isabella sneers and for once I agree with her.
"Ooh, been there and the devil sends his regards. Now, I'll give you three to talk this out. " She answered back
" Just let Kaylee go, whatever you want I'll give it to you if it's the money I'll wire it-" Theo offers and I turn to look at him. His clothes sticking to his body, covered in blood still he was thinking of me.
" Look here lover boy, I'm not doing this for money. I'm here for revenge for everything you three did to me." The room falls quiet, only our breathing could be heard.
"The police are on their way." One of the men who kidnapped me comes through the door saying.
" Perfect. So, guys as the police are heading here, I want you guys to talk and decide. " She concluded.
" Decide what? " I found myself asking.
" Which one of you will die. You only have ten minutes. " She says standing up and leaving closing the door with a bow. I turn to look at Theo to find him looking at me.
" I'm sorry." He says and I shake my head, he did that to save me and the kids, as he always does.
" It's fine, the kids are safe and that's all that matters. " I reply with a sad smile. I knew Kim wasn't going to let us go, we would all die here and she'd leave our bodies here to rot.
" How is Nathan?" Isabella asks her voice laced with something I have never thought I'd see the day.
"You do-" Theo sneers but I cut him off.
"He's okay, he misses you sometimes," I say and she looks at me bewildered. I could feel Theo shooting daggers my way, but I could care less. I was a mother and I understood what she was going through. Bad mother or not, she was Nathan's mother and the boy did love her.
"Tell him I love him too much, tell him that I wish I was a better mother to him when I had a chance. " Isabella muttered.
" I don't know if we'll even get the chance to get out of here, but I know he knows deep down you love him. " I say and she nods, sniffling.
" I'm sorry for everything I did to you too. I-" Isabella apologizes.
"Cut the bullshit, Isabella. " Theo cuts in.
" Theo! " I scold.
" All forgiven, but not forgotten." I utter and she nods her head.
Just then the door slides open and Kim walks in closing on the silencer.
"So who do you choose?" She asks and Isabella raises her hand before we can even comprehend what was happening, her body grows limp her head falling forward.
I let out a scream tears falling down my face as I stare at the bullet wound on Isabella's head.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Theo yells making me turn to look at him. My mind all ragged.
"Loverboy, remember who holds the gun. Now, I'm giving you two, five minutes to decide who is going next. Tik -Tok." She laughs taking her previous sit. I had known she wouldn't let us go, alive that is.
"You said one," Theo mumbles under his breath his eyes locking into mine. He stares at me for a second before shaking his head.
"No, I choose to be the one, but first I want to say something to her," Theo says and I shake my head. Of course, I wouldn't let him die, I knew what had to be done.
"No, I choose to go. Look after our kids, remind them that their mother loved them more than anything. Tell them stories about me, maybe then I'll forever live in their hearts. I love you, Theo. T-"
I didn't get to say anything else. Kim fires her gun.
Okay, I know. Sorry, but I had to.Anyway, I want to dedicate this chapter to ALL my readers who have been with me since I started this book and now it's finished. Thank you, guys!!!🥰🥰
As promised, GitongaKimberly Thank you!