Chapter Forty-Four.

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" Connor and I know each other from back in college. He was known as the jerk that preyed on innocent and not so innocent girls. I was more innocent back then, he used me then threw me away as if I was nothing. When I saw him at the mansion I decided to wait till he was in his room to confront him about what he did to me years back. One thing led to another, we had sex. It happened a lot when he was there, I would sneak to his room. He had me convinced that he was sorry and he wanted me to be his woman. Of course, I agreed. That's when you sent him to jail. I was angry at you for taking him away from me. So that's when I started to visit him in prison, updating him on your every move. He was adamant about destroying all of you. He still is. He linked me up with some of his men, to raid the mansion. Of course, you had left and I didn't know. When I let the men in, Mary had already taken the kids together with Adam so I had nothing to give back to Connor. His men were so mad at me because I couldn't even do a simple job." Dawn mutters.

" You are better than that Dawn and you know it. If you hadn't even gotten involved with that snake you would be out there, enjoying your life. But instead, you chose to stick by his side because he gave you some good dick right? Who is he collaborating with? "

" He didn't tell me but he said that she hates your guts. I asked if it's Isabella but he denied it saying that they have never met. "

" Does Connor know that you failed to get the twins?" I ask.

" No. I don't think so. But he's expecting you, that's how he'll know that I got the twins. He isn't a bad person Kaylee, you have to believe me. " Dawn replies.

" If he was good, then he would have talked to me instead of doing what he did. On top of that, he talks you into kidnapping my kids. I don't know about you but I sure know he's anything but good. As for believing you, look where it got me." I say.

" I'm sorry, Kaylee. "

" Alright. I'll have someone check on those wounds. " I say stepping out.

" Ma'am, one of the men escaped using our car. What should we do?"  One of the guards alarms me.

" Follow him and make sure he doesn't see you. Tell me where he goes and who he sees. He'll lead us straight to the people behind this. I have to be somewhere right now. " I say as Liam nods his head. We get to the car and Ken drives us to the City correctional facility.

"Are you sure about this Kaylee?" Liam asks and I nod.

I tap my hand impatiently on the table as I look at the door. Liam eyes me warily but I give him a soft smile.

I take out my white handkerchief, wiping some imaginary tears. Liam looks away trying to keep in his laughter.

The door is unlocked and in walks Connor, with chains on his hands and feet.

"Kaylee, I thought we'd never meet. I see you brought your boy toy. Hello Liam." He says as the guards unlock his chains. Liam doesn't even look at him.

" I thought so too. I'm here because your men raided the mansion and took my twins. What do you want? " I  say wiping away the tears that are now flowing down my face.

He waits till the guard is out the door before talking.

"I must say, I didn't think they'll pull through. Now, I'm sure Dawn has..." Connor places both his hands on the table.

" Dawn is working with you?" I ask feigning surprise which makes his smirk even wider.

"You see, even though you had me locked here, I had people everywhere. I also heard my dear uncle is dead, is that true? "

" Yes, he passed away Connor. His funeral was today. " I say wiping another tear.

" Heart diseases. I had told him that he should let me help him run the company. But no, he had to go on and now look at him. He's gone. " Connor says and I look at him, confused.

" Connor, Grandpa was run over, several gunshots on his body. One in the head." I say watching his surprised face.

"No, No. I was told he succumbed to a heart attack. You are just lying." He shoots back, scowling.

" Liam, do you have those pictures of Grandpa?" I ask and Liam nods. Taking out his phone, he hands it to Connor.

" Ooh no, she killed my uncle!" Connor exclaims punching the table. The guard is through the door in no time.

" It's okay. I'll let you know when we are done." I say to the guard who reluctantly leaves the room.

" Who are you talking about? Who killed Grandpa?" I ask.

"Amelia Crawford," Connor replies.

"That bitch." I say making Connor nod.

"That's something we agree on. I'm sorry Kaylee. " Connor mutters his body sagging. The sincerity of his voice catching me off guard.

"I forgive you, Connor. How about we make a deal?" I ask.

" What sort of deal?"

" One that has you out of this place as long as you help me make that bitch regret ever going against me." I propose.

" Anything for you, Kaylee." Connor grins.

"So, it's a deal?" I ask.

"It's a deal. But I'll have to call my men to hand over your twins. I'm sorry for that." Connor says making me laugh.

" You don't have to. They didn't get the twins, by the time your men arrived, The twins were already gone." I say making him grin.

" That doesn't surprise me. " Connor says shaking his head. I stand to leave.

"Kaylee?" Connor calls out.

"Yes, Connor," I reply turning to look at him.

" Is Dawn okay? " Connor asks, his voice low. Liam smirks before rolling his eyes.

"Yes, she's fine," I say, a memory of her body covered in blood pops in my mind.

" Tell her... That I'm sorry. And..." He takes deep breaths.

"Tell her that, I love her. " He says finally.

" How about you tell her yourself when you get out of here? Be safe Connor. My lawyers will be in touch." I say before exiting the room. Liam follows beside me.

" He loves her, huh? " Liam asks a grin on his face.

"It seems like it."

I let out a small laugh.

I'll be updating the next chapters soon. Keep on reading and voting.

Stay safe😋

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