Chapter Thirty-Six.

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From what Smith told me, he owns the chains of hotels and restaurants all over the world. I have never been to any of the restaurants or hotels since they are all high budget.

We go through the paperwork, him introducing me to his managers all over the globe through a conference call. By the time we are done, it's already at 8. We have dinner while making small talks about my life since they both insisted that I open up to them so we can get to know each other better.

After dinner, I go out by the pool dipping my legs into the cold water. Looking up, I am impressed by the army of stars covering the now dark sky. Instinctively, I rub my belly which has now become a habit I have come to love.

When I feel a kick, I let out a small laugh continuing to rub my belly.

"One day, you'll come to this world. And guess what? You'll make me the happiest mother in the whole world. I promise to always be there for you, in good times and in bad times. I promise under the stars to always love you two equally." I say out loud looking at my belly. My two babies continue kicking making me smile hugely.

"I just wish your dad was here though," I say sadly. Two kicks follow.

"But well, I have you and I am sure as hell you two are never leaving me. Well unless you do go off to college or get married." I say smiling hugely at the thought of them growing up. I let out happy tears.

I continue rubbing my belly for some minutes before I retire to my room to take a shower and sleep.

The next weeks follow in a blur since I am mostly busy. Naomi set me up with a diet specialist and a personal trainer insisting that I have gained a lot of weight by just sitting down on Smith's office chair working.

Yes, now I am working at home checking the paperwork sent by Smith's assistant, Dorothy. She has helped me learn and understand everything I need to know. If I'm not working I'm taking an accounting and finance course online. It has been hectic dealing with everything but I can say having a good support system has made it worth it.

I still do my art with Naomi since she does draw too. My mum learned everything she knew about art from her. We do art together twice a week since the other days I'm busy with this or that.

I've also been taking classes about improving my social skills, eating etiquette, and also my fashion. Rich people and all the rules about how I am supposed to sit, what to say to people, and whatnot. This was the most draining lesson I could ever have.

I spend my free time site swing the city well with bodyguards following me around as if I'm the president's daughter. Adam and Liam follow me wherever I go, I appreciate them.

I've had the family doctor, Rithick, check my babies when my appointment day came. He is funny and really sweet when it comes to telling me what to do and what not to do when I have my babies. 

Naomi and Smith have ensured me that once things cool down we are going back to New York. I hate to say this but I wasn't ready to go back there. Of course, I missed my friends don't get me wrong but I'm concerned about that phsycho, Isabella.

According to the media she had just given birth to her baby and I couldn't help but love the baby once I saw him. He was the spitting image of Theo, from the black hair, blue eyes, perfect cute nose, and well-shaped pink lips. I was just hoping he inherits nothing from Isabella.

"Ma'am?" A voice calls out pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yes, Hildah, I told you to call me Kaylee. That word makes me feel old." I say smiling.

"Ooh, I do forget sometimes. Kaylee, here are some mails." I smile taking them from her hand.

"See that wasn't hard," I say looking at her laughing figure retreating to the door. I go through the emails since most of them are just promotion emails. Once I'm done with the mails, I continue with work since there was a lot of paperwork.

Once I'm done with my online class, I go directly into the bathroom to take a shower before dinner. My grandpa was having his only sister over, together with her husband and their son. I was excited to meet them.

After my quick shower, I get dressed in a black long dress with black moccasins. I put on my stud earrings, spritzing perfume on my body. I look at my bare face in the mirror and smile, applying a little bit of gloss.

Mary comes into my room to tell me that the guests have arrived. I rub my belly with my left hand while the right one grabs the rail as I descend the stairs. The room grows silent as I spot the couple that is sitting opposite to my grandparents. I don't miss the familiar-looking guy seated next to them. Familiar cause Grandpa had shown me their pictures.

"Ooh she's here already, Kaylee, meet my sister Hanna, her husband Ronald, and their son Connor." Grandpa introduces and I don't miss the fake smile from Hanna, the glare from both the men.

There's going to be trouble.

After the introduction, Grandpa leads us to the dining table to have dinner. Taking my seat, Connor shoots me a glare.

"My mother always sits there." He says and the room grows quiet. I open my mouth to talk but my grandma beats me to it.

"Well, things have changed around here. Smith likes to have Kaylee near him at all times." Grandma says making Grandpa to smile.

"I see." Connor says with a glare directed to me, seems like glaring was his talent or something. The air becomes thick with awkwardness since everyone was aware of the glare Connor has been sending my way.

"So, what do you do Connor?" I ask with an equal glare.

"So sweet of you to ask. I manage my uncle's business abroad." He says and I nod. We eat in silence, Ronald and Grandpa making small talks here and there. Though one thing was clear, they didn't like me at all.

Their loss.

Stay Safe😊

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