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Croesus, The King of Lydia, who known for his wealth

~Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Camila Almada's POV

Seriously, why can't I just enjoy a very nice weekend like everyone else? Oh yeah, because I was not normal and my real job was not for ordinary people. If you were wondering what I was doing right now, I was trying to crack a safe that I was not supposed to.

"Why you guys have to give me something that was not in my field of expertise, you know, like handling a gun and daggers, sure but cracking a safe, what the hell?!" I said as I was trying to listen for the safe to crack without sounding the alarm.

"Hey, it was Alfred's idea and you know why," Val said as he was chuckling on the intercom. I rolled my eyes as I knew that he cannot see me. Well, I will give my piece of mind to Alfred.

"And also, we have something—"

"Shh, I almost got it," I said as I was listening to the safe. It was clicking and clicking until it was opening.

"Ah-hah!" I said as I opened the safe. My face lightened up before every blood was drained from me. Where were those documents?

"Val?" I asked him but my intercom was silent. It was eerie silent as I was looking around before light was shining onto my face.

"Thief!" A voice called after me and without a second thought, I went through the window as I ran through the glass and broke it. Sure, it will leave bruises in the morning but I have to make sure that I was not being caught.

"Shit!" I said as I was jumping from the 55 floors of the building. I did not think this through. But thankfully, I did have a hook that I can use to swing myself from my certain death to the ground. I saw there were already people that were waiting for me. I smirked before I shot the hook and I was swinging onto the other building.

"Come on, he's getting away!" The head chief of security was calling for me. I was looking for a while as there was a helicopter that was shining on me, they were keeping track of where I would go.

"Shit," I whispered before I have to think of a better plan. I stopped at the edge of the rooftop before the chief of the Portugal elite forces was standing in front of me.

"Well, well, you have nowhere to go now, thief!" He barked in Portuguese as he was looking at me. I was wearing a hoodie that covered my face as well as a mask. I did not let my hair out so that's why they think I was a man. That would get them off my track.

"Did you? Or simply because I let you catch me?" I said in my altered voice like a man as I was looking around me. I saw there were police standing by on the ground and at the high point as a sniper was pointing their Dragunov at me. I smirked.

"Well, until we meet again," I said before I clicked on the button that set up the distraction that I already put in place. It was loud as people were looking at the source. I was out of their sight before they can even say damn it.


I was back inside my apartment as I was getting out of my clothes. Yup, Black Lily was not a name that I asked for but they gave it to me as I would always put on lily's perfume whenever I stole something. It was for the best.

I was heading toward the shower before someone was calling me. It was my director, Ms. Adella Lily, to see what I did there before I answered it.

"Hello, Ms. Lily," I said as I was getting my hair down from a tight knot.

"Where are you? The show was about to start in 2 hours!" She screamed as I was putting some distance between my phone and my ear. I chuckled before I looked at my face. It was bruised with a glass cut even though I have protected it.

The Spaniard Union (Croesus #2)Where stories live. Discover now