Chapter 12

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Nicolas Garcia's POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked Luis as he was typing away on his iPad. I cannot understand this generation of technology. I mean, pfft, I was one of them as I was storing all of my business information and deals on a data server that I have bought from an American company, Kent Tech.

"Could you not do that?" Luis asked me. I arched my eyebrow.

"Do what?"

"That! Your whining was stripping my intelligence by the seconds," he said as he put on his earphones and left me alone to my thoughts. I pouted my lips as I went to look at the streets.

Spain. My stuff, my territory.

My home.

The sun was shining like it has been blessed by God. I was so happy that I was out of that dreadful country called Romania. I was going to give a handful to Kyle after his honeymoon.

"Where are we going, sir?" My driver asked me. I was in a trace that I was looking at the family that was walking outside on the sidewalk. I was smiling, unknowingly to myself before I ordered him to go home first. I needed to look my best before I meet my friend.

I told her about my predicament of why I wanted to be one of the judges. She agreed on the condition that I will accompany her to a ballet performance later this month. I groaned. But I will do it for the sake of having Camila in my clutches.

I smirked. Camila Almada. You will finally be mine.

After we had made it to the house, or should I say mansion, it was nice to lay on the bed for a while before I moved to shower and get some food into my system. I haven't been well since I get to kiss her. She was the perfection of my body and to know that she could escape...

I shook my head as I was looking at myself in front of the counter. I could not think about anything else or what-ifs right now. I have to get her or I might be losing control again.

"Luis?" I asked for my PA as he was not around. I don't know what was coming onto me but I hoped that they would be okay. I mean, he was probably in his girlfriend's house, the captain of my plane. I groaned. I need to get my employees to stop fucking each other.

Ignoring my anger to take out of Luis, I went to the walk-in wardrobe and put on my best suit. I will be attending the audition but I will be blending in as I don't think my friend would appreciate it if she knows that I was going to snatch one of the contestants away.

I smirked before I went out of the wardrobe and went to get the keys to my car before I headed to the garage and took one of them for a spin. Tonight's choice: the red Lamborghini.

I went to the driver's seat and got in. I was putting on the ignition and I was waiting for the engine to be ready. Then, I sped off as I smiled at the ways that I can make Camila succumb to my demands.

Camila Almada's POV

After I hopped off the bus in Barcelona, I went to the house that was designated for me by Val. I was thankful that it was not outstanding or luxurious. It was normal, almost and I loved it. I went inside as Val already left the key in the flowerpot. I took it and unlocked the door before I went inside.

I put the keys onto the counter that was near the door I don't think that I would be smiling here but I guessed I was surprised, even with myself. I don't think that the house was good enough for my stay but it will do.

There was a living room that was furnished and the kitchen was also furnished, easy for me to do some cooking on my own. I don't want to depend on the credit card alone even though Val settled all my money and trust fund.

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