Chapter 10

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Camila Almada's POV

I was so surprised and annoyed that he bested me at my own game. I will kill him in his sleep tonight. But his kisses told me otherwise. He loved to kiss me and wanted me to stay in his arms tonight.

"So, you have to do what we agreed to do, but first," he whispered into my left ear before he kissed my neck.

"Tell me what you will make me do if you win first." He said as he was kissing my neck. I gasped before I was breathing hard.

"Tell me, mi Estrella, or I have to force it out of you," he said as he bit my neck. I gasped again before I removed his mouth and his tortures from my neck. I looked into his eyes. They were dark, thanks to the dim lighting but there was something there. His eyes darkened with desire. The desire for me. I blushed before he chuckled at me.

"So, are you going to tell me or do I have to make you?" He asked me again and this time I looked at him.

"Will you laugh at what I am about to say?" I asked him as I was biting my lower lips. He growled as he was looking at my lips. I released it before I sighed.

"I know about you, Nicolas. You're the Nicolas Garcia, one of the notorious playboys, a friend of Lucca Giovanni, are you not?" I asked him as he looked at me. He did not confirm it nor deny it.

"I know you only sleep with women for fun and I think I cannot do that with you, I'm sorry," I whispered before I disentangled myself from his arms but he held me tighter.

"Where do you think you're going, mi Estrella?" He asked me as he was looking at me. I was fed up playing the nice girl. I needed to get out of his hold or I might succumb to his seduction. I needed to escape.

"Let me go, you scumbag," I hissed before I was glaring at him. He was smirking before he was coming to kiss me again. I slapped him.


It was all dangerous and loud in a quiet place. I cannot believe that I just did that. His hold was loosened a bit. Now, it was the time to escape. I got out of his hands as he was looking at me murderously.

"Stay back, Nicolas," I said as I was looking at him, trying to figure out the escape for my sorry butt. He chuckled darkly.

"Why, the kitty cat has claws. How can I not see that coming?" He said as he stood up from the chair. I was walking backward as he was advancing at me. His eyes were dangerously glistening with mischief.

"What do you want from me, Nicolas?" I asked him as he smirked.

"Well, since you asked nicely, I want you, mi Estrella, for everything that you've done to me from the very first moment I have laid my eyes on you," he said. I knotted my eyebrows together.

"I only saw you tonight. How can you possibly want me?" I said as I was exhausted with this mad man.

"You might think I have known you just now, but you don't know what I was capable of anyway, aren't you, Camila Almada?" he said as I gulped.

"How do you know my full name? I never told you my last name," I said as I was looking at him.

"Well, let's just say I am your worst nightmare," he said and before I knew it, I took out a smoke bomb and threw it in front of me. I have to escape as I saw the ventilation on my right. I went inside it for a second before I closed my track. I have to get out before he came after me.

Nicolas Garcia, you just put yourself on the top of my list of wanted kills.


As I was escaping the grand hotel and making my way into the darkness, I was scared by the ringing of my phone. It was an international number so I have no doubt it would be Valentino or maybe even Alfred.

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