Chapter 34

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Camila Almada-Garcia's POV

I was laying back on my bed as I was arching my back to Nicolas. He was playing with my nipples as he was drinking me in. I was on the verge of orgasm when he suddenly stopped. Damn him for doing that.

"Please, Nicolas," I begged him as Nicolas was looming over me. When I know that I was in control tonight, I know he will never let go of his control over me.

"Beg for it,"

"I am doing it! Just don't stop, please," I said as I was gripping his hair when Nicolas was looking at my lips. He smirked before he was looking at me.

"Very well, I will do but you cannot complain when we don't go out for another 2 weeks,"

"I thought we will be going out tomorrow?"

"After tomorrow. You will not complain after our outing tomorrow? Is that understood?" He asked me as I was looking at him. It was hard to keep my stern face when my needy clit was throbbing and I wanted my gap to be filled with him.

Damn him and his arrogant cock.

I bit my lips before I was nodding at him. Even if I don't want to, I have to do it. I have to make sure that everything will be according to my plan. I cannot stay here and be in this house when I know the weather was good enough for us to be somewhere else.

Somewhere private and secluded and out of everyone's ears.

I smiled seductively before I was pulling him closer when I was looking into his brown eyes. Nicolas was narrowing his eyes on me when I was playing with his hard chest. I was biting my lower lips.

"Or, we could do something else. Oh, I don't know, maybe get away from the city for a while, just you and me, in a secluded area without anything else?" I said as I was batting my eyelashes. I was looking at Nicolas before he was arching his eyebrow.

"What do you suggest, wife?"

"Maybe we can go to that private property of yours that you mentioned earlier? Close to the sea?" I said as I know that Nicolas was wealthy as Croesus, the King of Lydia once upon a time. Nicolas was staring at me as I know the motor of his brain was working. And I know that I was winning this right now.

"When can we leave?" He asked me as I was looking at him.

"As soon as you let me out of the house," I said before Nicolas smirked at me.

"Hmm, tempting but right now, you have a debt to pay to me," he said as I was pulling him closer to me.

"Do I need to know how to satisfy you, my love?" I asked him as I was wrapping my legs around his torso, aligning myself with his erect cock. Nicolas was smirking as he was putting his hands on either side of my head on the bed.

"Hmm, it seems to me that you already know how to do your part, mi Corazon," he said as he was leaning closer to me. I can feel the tip of his cock sliding into my wet canal. I bit back my moan before I was looking into his soft eyes.

"And I know that you will be happy with my service," I said before I was pulling him by the nape and kissed the shit out of him. I was arching my back before Nicolas was slammed into me. It was easy since I was well-lubricated.

I was moaning before I was kissing him fervently. Nicolas was having the same thought when I can feel his tongue tracing my lower lips and I was opening my mouth. He did not waste any time as he was plunging his tongue inside me and tasted my mouth.

It was all mint and spices when I was matching his rhythm as he was pumping in and out of me with a ferocity that left me breathless every time. I arched my back before he was breaking our kiss as he was moving his wet kisses to my breasts I was gripping his hair to the scalp. Nicolas was licking my areola on the right nipple before he put my nipple inside his mouth. He was making circles with his tongue as I was moaning his name.

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