Chapter 22

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Camila Almada's POV

After our session in the early morning and much more in the shower, Nicolas has to meet with Adam Florenz, the very person who wanted me behind bars. So, Nico thought it would be dangerous if I went with him. Instead, he made me stay home.

I scoffed at his command like I would listen to him as if Alfred was any better than him. So, after he left for a while and I thought that I was finally clear to do what I wanted, I went into the wardrobe and find one of his hoodies, black of course, and a tight pair of jeans that he has bought for me. I tied my hair into a tight bun and pulled off the hoodie to cover it.

As much as I wanted to make sure that I was getting the replacement that I needed, this case was far more interesting than me singing in front of strangers. I think I would only sing for Nicolas when he was about to close his eyes and maybe some of his little ones as well.

"Woah, where did that come from?" I asked myself as I was shaking my head before I put on my sneakers and I went out of the house.

Not to mention that his house was at the top of a fucking mountain and I had to run down the hill before I can hit the city that I saw through the window. It seems near but really, it was farther than I expected. And luckily, I have been doing my cardio, well except for the ones that I did with Nicolas in the bed.

I hit the market when everyone was ready to sell their goods for the day. I did not have any change or cash because I only relied on my credit cards and I was too prideful to get some from Nicolas, so I just have to find a cafe that will accept card payment.

"Morning," I said in Spanish as I was looking at the barista. He smiled at me before I ordered a black coffee and some muffins to go with it.

"That will be 7 euros, señorita," he said before I gave him my card. He accepted it and then charged it. I thanked him before I took my coffee and my muffins and went to take a seat in the cafe. I was looking around when I saw someone familiar in the streets.

I was biting on the muffin as I saw they were exchanging information. I tried to read their lips but my vision was soon covered by a chubby man as he was sitting outside the cafe. I threw my hands up before I sighed. I took a full sip of my coffee before I went to the trash can and dumped all of my muffins and coffee. It was good muffins by the way.

I went out of the cafe and looked at the people that I have taken interest in but they were nowhere to be found. I sighed before I looked at the chubby man. He was enjoying his muffin as well and I knew it was the good ones.

"Thanks a lot," I said to him in Spanish and before he can see me, I moved out of the street and went to the other side of the road. I was looking down at my sneakers as I was walking in the direction that I thought they went. I was furious to know that he was meeting someone better than me and he also lied that he went to meet Adam.

Tonight, I will kill you in your sleep, Nicolas Garcia. Fuck you!

Nicolas Garcia's POV

So, I might have told Camila that I was meeting Adam and I might have left some information that I will be meeting with my friend first, the director of the new company that my bride will be taking on tour.

"I see that you made it quite important to meet me early this morning," she said as she was sipping on her coffee. I scoffed at her as I was looking at her amused face.

"Wait, don't tell me, you fucked her," she said the word so bluntly. I looked at her sharply.

"Please, Alicia, can you not say that word casually?" I said as I was pinching my nose bridge as I can sense that she was smirking at me.

"Well, It is what it is, right? Don't deny it, Garcia," she said. She liked it when I was being tortured by her.

"Please, cousin, it was lovemaking. Love. Making," I said as I was looking at her hard. She shrugged.

"Whatever you say, cousin. Come on, I don't have all day," she said as she was looking at me before she walked toward her office. I cannot believe that she was one of the most sought producers but she rather lived here than anywhere else in the world.

"I always wonder why you never went out of Spain," I asked her as we were walking into her office before she put her handbag down and she took a seat in her chair. I took a seat in front of her desk before she sighed.

"Well, I did travel out of Spain but it was nothing like home, and you know how much I love being here," she replied as she looked at me, expecting me to say something.

"Okay, you may have known why I came here,"

"I have a few ideas," she replied. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well, I need to make sure that she was marrying me for who I am, not for the security of the company nor the information in my company," I said as I looked at Alicia. She arched her eyebrow at me.

"So, you need my help, just say it," she was enjoying it much more than she needed it to be. I rolled my eyes before I sighed.

"Yes, in a way," I said. She snapped her finger at me as she was pointing at me.

"I knew it, I knew it! You fell in love," she said as she was making gooey eyes at me. I scoffed at her.

"No, I was not definitely in love, as you say it. I was merely infatuated with her," I said as I was straightening my shirt with my hands. Why they were suddenly damped with sweat?

"Uh-huh, whatever you say, cousin," she said before she was typing something on her computer and she was smiling like an idiot. I arched my eyebrow at her.

"Well, I think you might be the one that was falling in love," I said before I stood up from my seat as I was ready to make my next stop before heading home.

"I am certainly not," she said as she narrowed her eyes at me. I chuckled.

"Well, enjoy your day cousin," I said to her as I went out of the office, waving at her.

"You too, cousin," she replied.

"And don't forget about the condition!" I said as I was glancing over my shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at me before I walked out of her office and I went to my company.

"Mr. Garcia, your guest was waiting for you," my secretary said to me as she was telling me my schedule and all of that shit. I was not ready to face that, not when I had my bride waiting for me at my house. I smiled at that thought.

"You know what, cancel all my meetings for today and I wanted all the stuff to get a vacation," I said as I was holding the handle of my office door.


"Just some vacation for them and besides, it is Thursday. Tomorrow you don't need to come to work. Have a vacation. Go out with your friend, okay? Bye," I said before I closed the door and I saw that Adam was sitting in my chair. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"Was that necessary?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Well, I just wanted to know what a billionaire's chair feels like," he said as he got out of my chair and went to greet me. I hugged him as he was patting my back.

"So, what's the news?" I asked him as were taking our seats on the sofas. He tossed me a file. It has a name. Black Lily.

A shiver ran through me. Has he finally figured it out?

I took the files and I opened them. It has all the information for the Black Lily. Where he attacked and when. But one thing they forgot or did not know yet was that Black Lily was a woman.

"So, you brought me a file. What do you want me to do with it?" I asked him as I put the file down on the table I clasped my hands together as I looked at him. Adam was observing me as he was probing for any lies that I might have done.

Maybe I have.

He cleared his throat before he looked at me as he leaned forward. The word that left his mouth stunned me.

"Black Lily was Camila Almada and I think she was your fiancée,"

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