Chapter 3

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Nicholas Garcia's POV

After I visited the apartment that was supposed to have one Ms. Camila Almada, I did not go after her. She might be afraid and would flee on the next flight out of the country for heaven's sake!

No, I could not risk it anymore. I have to find another way. And also, I have another thing that needed my attention right now. So, here I was, inside Adam's office in Lisbon, trying to know what the hell was going on in my branch building in Portugal as it got attacked by the one thief named Black Lily.

"Well, I'm glad that you show up today. I thought you might ditch me again after that stunt you pulled on me years ago," he said as he set the files onto the table. I shrugged at him.

"Well, what can you say? The woman is calling for my attention, I will rather be with her than stuck with you," I said as I was smiling wickedly at him. He shook his head.

"One of these days I hope that there will be a woman that teaches you manners," he mumbled but loud enough for me to hear it. I smirked.

"I was looking for that kind of woman but meh, she did not show up on my radar," I said as I looked at him. He glared at me before he shoved the files toward me. I arched my eyebrows at him before I took the files and read them.

It was all the articles that were made about Black Lily. The latest one was The Black Lily Exposed! And it was the apartment that I went to last night.

"So, I assume that you know who was the one that was lurking around in my office then?" I asked him as I put the files down and looked at Adam. He grimaced. That meant he did not have the answer yet.

"Okay, so what do you need me to tell you? What was in that safe? Or why the reason this sneaking thief was lurking in my office?" I asked him as Adam looked at him. He arched his eyebrow.

"Well, will you cooperate?" He asked me. I sighed before I rubbed my temples.

"Look, all I know about the safe is it is used to keep my companies' legal documents and all the investments that we made in the past. Heck, my father used it, and his father, and his father, and so on. They have been using it for generations. Only, I used the internet and data server to have better safekeeping than this kind of threat," I said as I was crossing my hands in front of my chest.

I looked at Adam as he was trying to figure me out. Well, good luck buddy. You have known me forever and know I don't think you will ever figure me out.

"Well, there was something else in that safe, isn't it? No wonder that man was interested in your business," he implied. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"I don't know what you mean by that," I said truthfully. He was rubbing his chin as he looked at my face.

"Have you know your company's connection to the underworld?" He asked me. I turned sharply at him. I blinked a few times at him.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, it's only that reason I can come up with as your father was well known in that kind of job, isn't it?" He asked me again. Now, with the mention of my father, I don't think I can control my anger.

"Okay, I think that will be enough for you to interrogate me," I said as I stood up in front of Adam. He stood up as well.

"And for your information," I said as I was holding to the doorframe as I looked over my shoulder at Adam.

"I have left that world behind my past a long time ago," I said as I looked at him before I went out of the room. I thought the air was so stuffy. I needed to get out, maybe a few drinks will help me to loosen up.

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