Chapter 31

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Nicolas Garcia-Almada's POV

I was looking at the angel who was sleeping soundly beside me. The dawn has come and I don't have the heart to wake her up. Today was the day that I will finally return what was rightfully her but for now, I wanted to enjoy what was rightfully mine.

She stirred in our bed as she was gripping my waist, pulling me closer as she was snuggling against my chest. I chuckled at her possessiveness as I remembered she was trying to control her anger when my father and that viper were hanging me from the floor. She was so captivating in her powerful stand that I cannot believe it was this angel right here.

"No, mummy, I don't want any greens," she said as she was pulling me closer and I remembered when that was.

It was one day in the summer when I was 12 years old and I was visiting her at her estate in Spain. She was about to have lunch and she was 9 years old at the time. I was watching her from afar as my father was talking with her father. She was whining as she did not want any veggies on her plate I came into the kitchen and ate them all.

I smiled as I was looking at her face. Her black hair and her lashes were long and curled up into perfection. I have the urge to touch it and so I did. It was soft and nice before Camila spoke to me.

"I think you can do better than that, Mr. Garcia," she said as she was looking at me with her yellow eyes. Oh, how rare her eyes were.

"No, it's Garcia-Almada now," I said as I was kissing her mouth before she smiled in that kiss.

"Why does that sound familiar, I wonder?" She said as she was tapping her chin at me. I laughed before I was kissing her again and this time, a knock interrupted us. It must be Luis.

"What is it?" I said in Spanish as I was trying to hide Camila's sexy body under the satin sheet. It did not help either.

"Sir, the plane is ready for your leave. When will it be, the captain was asking for your confirmation," Luis' muffled voice across the room. I rolled my eyes before I sighed. Then, I remembered that he has a thing with that captain as the formula was forming in my head.

"Why don't you go to Spain and spend your time over there for a week? I'm sure we will be okay here," I said as I was looking at Camila. Her questioning eyes were making me smile even more.

"And why don't you take that lovely captain to dinner? I'm sure she would love it. My treat," I said as Luis was clearing his throat behind the door.


"Oh, hush you, little brother. Go, have some fun. You were given a week of vacation, do not waste it. Now leave before I walk out of here and I will kill you," I spat at him before I heard hurried footsteps fading and Camila was laughing at my caveman style.

"Was that necessary?"

"Absolutely," I said as I was talking over her and she was happy to let me do it.

"Then, I guess we have to make haste then," she said as she was snaking her arms around my neck. I chuckled darkly at her.

"Oh, you know I will," I said before I was kissing her deeply and I was spreading her legs. It was warm, moist, and inviting. I smiled as I knew she would always be ready for me. And more if my seeds already impregnated inside her.

Camila Garcia-Almada's POV

Waking up next to Nicolas was such bliss. I cannot think of anything more than his perfect caress, his teasing, and how he looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. I loved every second of it. I was showering after our morning session and I was humming to a sound that my mother used to lullaby me before the door to the shower was opened.

"Jeez, don't scare me like that," I said as I was looking at my husband's amused face as he was closing the door. Now, it was not spacious as I thought it would be when Nicolas was inside with me. He took a soap as I was looking at his attempt to wash my back. I let him as he was turning me around.

"Now, let me wash your back," he said as he was kissing my neck. I shivered before I leaned into his touch. It was nice and his heat was helping me to sigh in contentment.

"Now, turned around," he said as he was kissing my neck. I angled it as I was giving more access to my skin to his skillful mouth. Not an ounce of my skin did not know what he has done with it last night and this morning.

"You're so perfect in my arms, mi Estrella," he said as he was using the endearment when we first met.

My star. I could never know why he called me that.

"Why mi Estrella, love?" I asked him as he was caressing my tits in his hands. I can see that desire was building inside his eyes but I have to hear the reason first before I can let him have his wickedness with me.

"Well, since you sing and dance so well, your heart spoke to me and you're the only star that I need to guide me in my darkness," he said as he was caressing my waist as the lukewarm water was caressing both of our bodies. It was nice and something stirred inside me.

"My love, I must have you now," he whispered to me when I looked at him. He was trying to control his desire but I liked it when he lost it.

"Then, take what's yours," I whispered to him as I snaked my arms around his neck and I was kissing his mouth before he hauled me up and pressed my back to the cold tiles. The hot steam did nothing to bother us as he was kissing me and spread my legs with his thighs before he slammed into me, home run.

I sighed as he was moving in and out of me as I was gripping his shoulders. I was groaning and grunting as I was urging him to move faster. He chuckled at me before he was increasing his pain as he was moving with urgency now. I was slammed into the tiles before he groaned and took one of my nipples into his mouth as my walls clenched around his meat and he was spewing his loads into me.

I hoped that we were making a baby already. Wait, what?

After that session in the bathroom, we went to the wardrobe and wore our clothes. If Nicolas was having another urge to take me, I must tell him that I was famished and parched. He would not dare to let me go hungry.

"My love, come, " he said as he was holding the front door before I was walking toward him. I took his offered hand before we went to the restaurant that he promised to bring me today.

Restaurante Consensual was one of the exclusive restaurants that we need to get a reservation. But lucky for me, Nicolas was one of the patrons that always come here whenever he has business in Portugal so they always have a table ready for him.

"Table for two, Garcia," he spoke in Portuguese that always fascinated me whenever he changed the languages without difficulty. What can I say, I have a thing for a man who was a polyglot.

"Right this way, sir," the host said as we were following him. He went to show our table before Nicolas dismissed him and said to bring the usual. He nodded before he asked about the wine.

"Bordeaux, a bottle," he said as he went to pull the chair for me. I thanked him before he took his seat.

"What's the occasion?' I asked him in my mother tongue as he was comfortable talking in that language right now. He smirked at me.

"You'll see," he said before the waiter opened the wine and poured us a glass each.

"So, you know how your family's assets were still under my company?" He asked me as I was sipping on my wine. I nodded at him as I dabbed the napkin into my mouth.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him. He looked at me before he cleared his throat.

"After we were married and signed our names on the registration, I instructed my lawyer to put all the assets back into your name. I cannot have it on my conscious that my family, no my father, was taking your rights. And I'm sorry on his behalf," he said as he was closing his eyes for the misery that his father has caused him. My heart ached for him before I took his hand into mine.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't need that money anyway. I have you and only you were the very thing I need," I said as I was kissing his hands. He smiled softly at me as he kissed my hand as well.

"Dinner is served," the waiter said in Portuguese before we dug in and we went for a stroll after dinner.

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