Chapter 24

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Camila Almada's POV

I cannot believe it. Nico confessed to me his love and his demise to get me to be in his clutches. Not that I would get mad but my heart bloomed at the thought that he will have me no matter what the consequences were.

Only that I was not prepared for what have I done after his confession.

I pulled him onto my body as I was so impressed and obsessed with his body more than I could ever think that I would. I was kissing him roughly as he landed on me, his hands were on my side.

"Hmm," was the only sound that I can muster as I looked at him. He was roaming my body as his hand has found its home. I sighed as Nicolas pulled out my pants, the one that was skinny jeans, off my long legs before he went to take off my hoodie. I was so content that I looked at his hooded eyes with delight. I giggled at him.

"What's so funny?" He asked me as I was caressing his cheeks. I was smiling at him.

"Well, I think I wanted you out of your clothes as well, my dear," I said as I tore his button-down and was fumbling with his belt. He let me do what I wanted and instantly, we were naked on the living room floor. Nicolas chuckled as I was tracing his hard chest.

"Well, my mother certainly would not approve of this," he said as he was kissing my neck and my shoulder. I shivered as I can sense his arousal in my stomach. I was not yet ready but maybe if he teased me even more...

I gasped as I felt his fingers inside me. He slid one and then two before he was humming happily.

"Hmm, I see that you are not ready yet, my love," he said as he arched his eyebrow at me. I chuckled at him as I snaked my hands onto his neck.

"Then, maybe you should prepare me with your notorious skill, love," I said as I was pulling him before I kissed him. His guttural voice was echoing against the empty house. I smiled before he was pushing in and out of my core as his fingers were building some tension.

"Argh!" I said as I was biting into his ear. He groaned again before his movement became frantic and I can see that I was building my orgasm as I was rocking to match his rhythm. Nicolas has not been a generous lover as he would make sure that I will be pleasured and sated for most of my moment with him.

"Come for me, love. Come for me," he urged me as I was rocking on his fingers, his thumb was pressing onto my clit as it was throbbing with need and I can sense that the tingling sensation was building on my toes as it made its way to my head.

"Nicolas!" I screamed his name as my walls clenched against his fingers and before long, he slammed into my core, making me gasp as I was looking at him. He was smirking at me before he licked his fingers that had my juices on them.

He leaned down to kiss me and I was kissing him hungrily as I was trying to get the rage out of my system and I think only Nicolas can do that now for me after I tasted him.

He moved again as he was kissing me. I was bucking my hips with him as I was trying to build up my orgasm as well as his. I wanted him to relieve and maybe enjoy our moments as much as he can.

"Move, my love," I said as I was rocking him back and forth as I was trying to make him feel good. He groaned and before I knew it, I was on top of him. I was moving his cock in and out of my core as the slapping sound of our sexes was echoing against the empty living room.




I was grunting as I know how much he loved for me to take control after he made me come. He was holding me by the waist as he was trying to support me. I was more than happy to oblige him. I had to make sure that he will come inside me and claim me again and again.

"Yes, yes, yes, My love. My wife. My Camila," he groaned as he pulled me to kiss him. He was fucking my mouth with his tongue I can sense that we were battling for dominance as I let him win.

Not that he could ever win against me.

I was so focused on making him come that I did not notice my orgasm was building up. I was gripping his shoulders as I was crying from my pleasure.

"I'm coming, Nico. Come with me, my love," I screamed as I was pumping in and out of his pole and slammed it back down before he roared as he flipped us and he was on top of me.

He grunted before he slammed for one last time as he spewed his hot load, which belonged to me, into my oven I was smiling when he was biting on my neck. I'm sure it will leave a mark and I will wear it proudly.

He was groaning and was looking at the bite mark as his face was concerned about it.

"Oh, my love. I am so sorry. I did not mean to bite you," he said as he looked at me, concerned that I will be injured by his teeth. I just shrugged at him.

"Eh, I had the worst," I said as I was slipping out. Shit! I hoped he will not press that matter further. To my surprise, he just arched his eyebrow at me.

"Well, I'm sure you have," he said before he scooped me up and carried me to the bathroom. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he was putting me down, pulling me out of his cock. I sighed at the loss of contact.

"Patience, we merely just began, my love," he said before he took the soap and opened the faucet as the warm water was hitting our entangled bodies. He turned me as my back was hitting his chest before he was scrubbing down the soap onto my stomach before he was cleaning my breasts.

I was sighing as I was clinging to his neck as the steam was making the glass foggy. But I don't mind as long as I have this hunk of a man, I will be happy even if it was for a short love.

Woah, where did that thought come from?

Dropping the soap to the ground, Nicolas hauled me up again as he was hitting my back onto the tiles of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, love. I just have to taste you," he said as he was dropping his head between my thighs and I was sighing in contentment.

Yup, being married to Nicolas Garcia will be one of the lifetime opportunities of pleasure.

After that moment in the bathroom and many more to come tonight, we have to get out of the bathroom as my fingers were getting pruned. Nicolas took it as he kissed it before he wrapped me in a fluffy towel.

"I'm sorry. I must be exhausting you," he said as he was looking at my fingers. I smiled at him.

"Don't be. For one, I was glad," I said as I gazed at his soft expression.

"What could that be mean? I have always wanted you and you might be sore and all and I don't want to—"

"Shh," I said as his words were cut off when I put my lips to his. He kissed me immediately before he broke the kiss. My stomach growled after that. I blushed at him.

"Well, let's get your food then we can maybe go to sleep," he said as he was scooping me like a bride and went to the kitchen in my fluffy towel.

"I had asked my housekeeper to make something that you might like as a kid," he said as he pulled plates that have all of the food that I might indulge in when I was a kid and when my parents were still around. My heart swelled at his thoughtful gesture.

"Well, I can think of one more thing that I wanted to devour when I was a kid," I said seductively as Nicolas was glaring at me. He shook his head before I flashed him my sweet smile.

"Well, maybe later," I said before Nicolas was feeding me, with his mouth nonetheless.

Talking about control!

After that dinner, I went to the bedroom, as Nicolas was carrying me like a child before he took off my towel and his. We were naked but Nicolas insisted that we took our sleep first before I wanted to indulge in his warmth and so much more.

"Sleep tight, my love," he said as he was kissing my neck and my mouth before he was spooning me from behind. His hand was draped over my waist in a possessive gesture and I smiled as I was claimed by the darkness as sleep took over me.

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