Chapter 21

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Camila Almada's POV

No, it cannot be. He did not mean that. I was sure of that. But then again, his facial expression was one to hold for. In all his naked glory as he was still inside of me, he was popping the question that I have been waiting for. Or maybe I just wanted him to confess first.

"What?" I asked him as I was popping onto my elbows as I went to close the gap that we have between us. He gulped as I was looking at him in all seriousness.

"It's nothing. Nothing—I just spurred it out," he stammered as he was about to turn away from me. I held his chin before he can go any further.

"Do you mean it?" I asked him in a whisper but he did hear it alright. He looked at me as if I was a fragile thing and I hated it when he thought of me like that.


"Enough. Just answer the question. No more excuses," I said as I was boring my gaze into his. He looked at me with all the emotions that he can muster in his wake.

Desire, Lust, Frustration, Love.

The last one was not expected. Maybe because we were basked in our afterglow that I might have been deceived into looking at that emotion for something else.

Or maybe I was being too hopeful.

"Yes, I am serious. And need I remind you that you are my fiancée before you say—"

"Yes," I answered too quickly.

"What?" He asked me as he did not listen to what I just said.

"Nothing, I want you now, you idiot," I said as I was kissing him. He held me as if I will melt away and I was kissing him passionately when I can sense that he was still hard inside of me.

"Oh, someone's eager," I said as I was playing with his hair. He smirked at me.

"Well, you sure been a good teacher," he said as he was holding me close before he scooped me and went to the bedroom.

Our bedroom.

I was giggling like a mad child before Nicolas dumped me onto the bed. He stalked on top of me as he was kissing my body and he explored me. I was gasping and panting as he did not move inside me one last time, I might go insane.

"Patience, all in good time, you will feel good, my love," he said as he was nuzzling my neck.

"Then, put me out of my misery," I said as I was pulling his face to kiss him. He smiled in that kiss before he was moved against me and I have no more complaints.

After more hours of just having basked in the afterglow and his warmth, I was staring at the edge of the window as I was wearing a bathrobe while holding a hot tea. It was one of the things that I liked to do when I had my thoughts in a hot mess. I have to answer his question but I thought we all know what the answer might be.

"Hey," Nicolas said as he went to wrap his arms around me from behind. He was kissing my neck when I angled for better access. He was still bare chest as he just had his towel and his hair was still wet from the shower. I turned to look at him as I know what I have to do.

"Nico," I said as I was putting the tea on the edge of the window ledge. I have to make sure that he will not be distracted as I was with his mouth on my neck. His brown eyes were staring at me as I took a deep breath.


"Yes?" He asked me. I smiled.

"Yes, yes," I replied. He knotted his eyebrows together before realization hit me.

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