Chapter 4

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Camila Almada's POV

I was standing in front of the club as the wind was picking on my hair. I was nervous, goosebumps were playing on my neck before I gulped my nervousness and went inside.

It was not that crowded as I looked at the lot. Some people enjoyed some of the drinks that they can get and they were chitchatting like it was normal. I looked around for the audition but nothing. I sighed.

"Ms. Camila?" A voice asked me as I turned around to look at the person who was calling me.

"Yes, that would be me. And you are?" I said as I eyed the smart, handsome middle-aged man as he looked at me. He smiled.

"Yes, I believed I was the one that spoke to you on the phone," he said as he was sliding his spectacles on his nose upward. I looked at him. He was handsome that's for sure and has authority in his voice.

"If you wish to dance for Lisa, we have to move right this moment," he said as he was moving toward the back door. I followed him like a lost puppy before I went backstage.

"So, here we are. Where all the magic happens," he said as he gestured to the stuff that was on display everywhere. There was a wardrobe and there was some makeup on the vanity mirror. I wondered where Ms. Lisa was.

"Lisa will be with us tonight but I have seen your resume," he said as he looked at me.

"You did?" I was surprised to know that.

"Yes, a certain Ms. Adella Lily was kind enough to give us your credentials," he stated. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"Really? I never knew that she wanted me to venture out," I murmured.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I'm just glad that someone was vouching for me," I said as I smiled at him.

"Right. You will be rehearsing with the people that will be dancing back up tonight. Clara!" He called after one of the staff that was playing around the stage before she came to us.

"Yes, sir?" She asked. He nodded at me.

"I leave her to you. Bring her to the dancer and let her rehearse for her part tonight. And remember, perfection," he said before he looked around.

"Perfection, people!" He said as he exited backstage.

"What was all that about?" I asked Clara. She snickered.

"Well, he was always that annoying little perfectionist. I'm Clara. What's your name?" She asked me.

"Camila," I said as I shook her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you," she said as she urged me to follow her. We were walking in silence as we went out of the bar and we went to the makeshift tent that was up.

"So, you will be training here for tonight's performance. I hope you have a very sharp memory," she said as she looked at me.

"Well, I hope that too," I said before I went inside the tent. The music was loud and they were sweaty and blood and tears. Oh My Gosh! I never get to feel this excitement whenever I was rehearsing for Ballet.

"Okay, let's take a break for 5 minutes," the instructor said as he jogged toward me.

"Are you Camila?" He asked me. I nodded. He was accessing me up and down as I was aware that I was wearing legging and a shirt, not the kind of dancer wore but I just thought that I would be auditioning for the part.

"Well, you will do just fine. okay, you will be the second lead of the dancing. I want you to be here and your partner is Dave. Dave!" He called after him before Dave jogged to us. He was smiling as he saw me.

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