Chapter 28

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Camila Almada's POV

It has been a week since my capture and whenever they wanted me to give some explanation or maybe confess that I was the Black Lily, I was keeping my mouth shut. I did not stir in my seat as I just looked at my handcuffs.

Adam was furious, to say the least, but I did not provoke him or do anything about it. I was just not wanting to talk was driving him insane.

"Okay, Almada, you either talk or I will force you to," he said one time when he was trying to be intimidating. But with his boyish feature and his fair complexion, it was hard to be the bad cop. I just shrugged as I looked at the window that was separating me and the people that were watching me.

"I want to talk to Nicolas," I said every time and they were bringing me back to my cell again.

I was resting my head against the cold wall as I was closing my eyes, wondering what will happen to me after this before the cell door was sliding to the side, as footsteps were entering the cell. I opened one eye and I saw the last person that I will see here.

"Val?" I asked him as he was smirking at me.

"It looks like you need some lawyer to defend you in court," he said as I went to hug him. I was so caught up that I don't see who was behind him until they cleared their throat.

"Oh, Alicia, what are you doing here?" I asked her as she was trying so hard not to blush right now. Val looked at her.

"Well? Aren't you going to tell her, sweetheart, or should I?" Val asked her as she was glaring at him. He laughed before he surrendered.

"It's time," the officer said as they were escorting me, Val, and Alicia, to face my judgment. Oh, how I wished things will be different.

Nicolas Garcia's POV

It has been 7 days since what happened. The last thing that I remembered was that my very best friend carried my bride away from me as I was losing consciousness. And right now, I don't even know where she was.

"Nick," Adam's voice was filling the room as I was trying to do my tie. I needed to look my best for the court.

"What is it?" I asked him as I was losing interest in the person that dragged my love away. He sighed.

"Look, man, I'm sorry. She was guilty and she was proven to be the Black Lily. You know I cannot stand with the outlaw and I have to be just," he said as he was looking at me through the mirror. I scoffed at him before turning to look at him.

"But she was not! She is innocent and I can prove that to you," I said as I went to take my briefcase that contained everything that I needed to put my father in jail, for now, and forever.

"Okay, whatever you say, buddy. Believe me, I only wanted to protect you," he said as I walked past him.

"Yeah, and you're doing a great job at it," I said sarcastically as I went toward the court that was near the hotel where I was staying for the night.

I took a deep breath when I was looking at the judge and the juries that will be valuing the trial. I hoped that my lawyer will counter-attack the prosecutor and that the defendant will do anything in his capacity to keep my bride away from that rotten prison.

"The defendant, Camila Almada, and her lawyer, Valentino Bianchi," the officer said before Camila walked in with her lawyer. My sight was pitying my love where her shiny black hair was no glossier and her face was dreadful. I bet they did not treat her well in the cell.

"The prosecutor and the citizen against Ms. Camila Almada, the court will be overseen by Judge Rodriguez," the officer said before Camila looked at me for a brief moment and smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

"Okay, I wanted to call Mr. Nicolas Garcia, as he was the first victim to be breached by the Black Lily that was to be believed it was Ms. Camila Almada, allegedly," the prosecutor said as I went to the podium for witness. She cleared her throat.

"So, Mr. Garcia, since when did your company been breached by Black Lily?" She asked as she looked at me. I was trying to remain calm when I took a deep breath.

"It was late last year when I heard there was some stealing of information in a big corporation that was a rival to mine. But of course, I did not aware that the real target was my own. So, I just did the alarm and did not do anything about it,"

"So, you're saying that you were responsible for the lack of security?"

"Yes," I answered as the typist was recording everything that she heard.

"And did you not remember that your fiancée, Camila Almada once disappeared from the grid, after her parents died?" She asked me as she looked at me.

"Yes, she did. I thought that maybe she needed some space for her grief and I think it has nothing to do with the breach of my company," I said as I looked at her, confused. She nodded at me before she pulled out something from her table.

"The Femme Fatale organization. It was meant to believe that they were serving under the government of the world but frankly speaking, I said that they were a new terrorist group that was training beautiful, young women to be deadly assassins," she said as she showed it to the judge.

"I object," Camila's lawyer said as the judge said, "Overrule,". He scoffed before taking his seat again. His face was red as he was trying to control his anger.

"Perhaps they sent Black Lily to be the assassin that will take out Mr. Garcia and get all the information that they needed to claim the company," she continued before the defendant was scoffing again.

"How do you even know that The Femme Fatale organization does exist? You don't even have a clue about them," the defendant said as he was looking at the prosecutor before she smirked at him. She took another file and it has a list of names.

Mia Duncan.

Alina Dalca.

Sabrina Dubois.

Anastasia Honchar.

Camila Almada.

My heart stopped as I looked at the last name. So, maybe she was one of them after all.

"Your honor, I have the evidence that saying these women were responsible for many attacks in Croatia, Scotland, France, USA, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. I can assure you that prisoning one of them will end their organization," she said as she was looking at the judge. The judge was not amused by her claim before she thanked her for her time and the defendant was up.

"Your honor," he said before he went to give his evidence that I hope will be against the prosecutor's claim.

"Ladies and gentlemen, jury of the room, my name is Valentino Bianchi and I will be the defendant for Ms. Almada. First and foremost, I just wanted to say, think deeply about yourself, what would you do if you heard such an accusation against your sister, daughters, or wife?

"It did not make sense. Maybe training self-defense will keep them safe from predators at night but assassins? There was no record whatsoever of assassins since the 21st century. It was not appropriate in the time of technology and the internet.

"No more guns and daggers. It was the old way and we must keep moving forward with time," he said as he was looking at the jury in the eyes.

"I must say that she may not be brave but she was one strong woman to help her love," he pointed at me," and would you do the same for your love?"

"I would say that the organization was a myth, propaganda for a powerful mogul to frighten the citizen. It was not to be used against us as we were not afraid like we were in the Dark Ages and with this evidence," he said as he held something that looked familiar, then the realization hit me as I looked at Alicia. She smirked at me before I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It was a diversion to get the real villain in this. It was Jose Garcia, the king mob of Spain," he said as he was presenting the evidence that my dad was not dead and he was walking to enjoy the evening with his mistress. My thoughts were consumed with anger about what he did to mum.

"And let's not forget that he abandoned his wife," he said before he looked at the jury and concluded his argument. The judge was talking before he said that the court adjourned until tomorrow at 9 AM.

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