Chapter 23

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Nicolas Garcia's POV

Sweat was forming down my spine as I was trying to conceal my fear from Adam. He just knew how to press on someone if they were fearing him. I will not give him that satisfaction.

Neither agreed that Camila was the one that he seeking.

"Well, will you look at that? But as I can assure you, my friend, I have no other relationship with this one Camila Almada," I said as I was leaning onto the chair I looked at him.

Keep it cool Garcia, do not show it. Fake it till you make it.

Adam looked at me with his undivided gaze as he was eyeing me up and down. I was arching my eyebrow at him. He pursed his lips.

"I see that you are in a happy mood," he said as he looked at me before he was taking the file into his hand as he was flipping through the pages.

"I guess you can say that," I said as I was looking at him. He then took something from the pages and put it on the table.

"Do you know who this is?" He asked me as I looked at the pictures. There were two of them, one was a middle-aged man and the other was a young woman. I've seen them before.

"Isn't this the director and the manager of Lisa Gonzalez?" I asked him as Adam was nodding at me. He then pulled out another photo as they were talking to my cousin. I blinked at the picture.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked him as I sure as hell did not understand the meaning of the picture right now.

"I have a hunch that your cousin has something to do with the stealing and breaching into your company," he said as he arched his eyebrow at me. I scoffed at him.

"Okay first, you said that my fiancée was Black Lily and now you say that my cousin was involved to sabotage my company?" I said as I looked at him. He nodded grimly. I shook my head.

"Okay. I call it. You're insane," I said as I looked at him. Adam did not flinch. Maybe he knew this all along.

"Well, as much as I wanted to enlighten you on the matter, Nick, you cannot dis the people that might have a connection to the attack of your company," he said as he was trying to look for a reason. I shook my head.

"No, I will handle it and talk to Alicia. If she said that she was involved, I will take the appropriate action for her cause," I said as I was standing up from the chair. After this, I thought I needed to get to Camila and let her take all of my urges and rage. Adam stood as well.

"Just be mindful, okay?" He said as he took the file before he patted my shoulder. He went to the door before he glanced over his shoulder.

"And congratulations on your wedding," he said before he closed the door. I stood still as his statement just came through my ears. For the obvious reason, I was certain that I did not tell him that I will be getting married.

I have come home after that meeting and was disappointed that I found Camila was not in the house. I know that she would get bored spending the rest of the day here in the confinement of my house but I wished that she would leave me a note of where she was going.

I sighed before I went to the kitchen and I was drinking some water as I was so parched after meeting my cousin and Adam. It did not settle well that Alicia might have been having some dirt on the breach of my company. Camila, on the other hand...

"I thought you might not be coming back," Camila's voice rang through the kitchen as I was holding my chest. I was startled by her sudden voice.

"Love, if you wished to scare me, you're doing a pretty good job at it," I said as I was still pondering over the fast beating of my chest. Camila did not smile nor did she look at me as she went to take a drink for herself.

I was waiting for her to jump on me but she just moved past me. I frowned at her. She went out of the kitchen as she was going into the living room before I went to follow her pursuit.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked as I was looking at Camila before she turned to look at me. She arched her eyebrow at me before she shrugged at me.

"I don't know, Garcia. Maybe you ought to share something with me," she said as she opened the water bottle and chugged it down. Some of the water escaped her mouth as she licked it. I gulped at her seductive nature but she did not realize it.

"So, are you going to tell me, or should I?" She said as she looked at me. I was knitting my eyebrows together as I was confused by her declaration.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Care you tell me where you have been all morning?" She asked as she looked at me with her stern-looking eyes. I thought she could not be any more beautiful than that. I gulped.

"Tell me the damn truth, Garcia, or I swear you will regret it," she spat at me as I was blinking at her. I sighed before I went to rub my face.

"Okay, I was heading toward your company as I was meeting with their director," I started before she snickered at me.

"Wonder what you were doing there so early," she mumbled before she looked at me.

"Then, I went to meet my friend, Adam, the one that was looking for you, he knew that you were Black Lily," I said as her head turned sharply at me.

"I suppose you would tell him," she snapped at me. I was angry at her accusation. Anyone else did it, fine, but when she said that to me, I cannot bear that thought.

I strode toward her as I howled her up to stand in front of me. I was gripping her wrist as her hard stare was bored into mine. I gritted my teeth as I was talking to her.

"I did not, and will never do, expose you to him. You are mine and I protect what's mine," I whispered darkly as she was looking into my eyes.

"I bet that's what you did with that direction as well," she hissed at me before she was struggling to get away from me.

"Let me go," she said as she was looking at me. She was trying to pull away from her hand but it was useless. I was stronger than her. I smirked at her.

"Oh, but I was not done with you, my love," I said as I went to pull her roughly toward me as I was claiming her mouth. She gasped and I took that opportunity to push my tongue into her mouth.

She gripped my shoulder with her free hand before I released her wrist as I was pulling her close by her waist. She moaned as she was grazing my nape I sensed she was pulling me closer for warmth, for touch.

"God, I missed you," I said as I was pushing her to the floor of the living room. She was getting the idea that I was not sated and I needed her right now.

"I thought you already had your feel with that director," she taunted me as I was gripping her wrists above her head. She looked so mad and beautiful at the same time.

"Well, I certainly did not find pleasure in that woman," I spat as I was tracing my mouth on her neck and jaws.

"Why not?" She will not let go of this matter before she got the answer that she wanted from me. I sighed.

"Because she's my cousin and I went there to terminate the condition in which you have to be married to join her company, okay?!" I said before I released her. I seemed to have lost my appetite for her delicious body and I think I will regret that later.


I gave out a bitter laugh before I got up and paced back and forth in front of Camila. She looked at me as if I was going mad.

"I wanted you so bad that I wanted to marry you. Hence, I asked her to put that up and I wanted you to seduce me and maybe coerced me into marrying you," I said before I laughed at my desperate demise.

"But, I think I wanted you for good now. No contract necessary for I have been undone by you, my love," I said as I was crouching in front of her as I was caressing her cheeks. She was trying to process the information as her yellow eyes were looking at me. I sighed as I went to get up, but she stopped me.

"Camila—" It was the last thing I said before she pulled me onto her and kissed me wildly.

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