Chapter 27

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Camila Almada's POV

I know that I said that I was good with daggers and guns, but Nicolas' cousin, Alicia, was way better than me. She can use those things as well, plus she was good to get a location from the laptop. She kind of reminded me of Valentino, if not for the gender issue.

"So, how do you learn all this stuff again?" I asked as we were lowering the ropes to get inside the building where I think they might be holding Nicolas. She smirked at me.

"Well, some secret cannot be told to anyone, right?" She said as she was winking at me before she took one of the rope and put it on her hornet before sliding down the building. I rolled my eyes at her cheesiness. Something like Val would do.

"Hey, wait up!" I said as I went down the rope as well as jumped from the rooftop and we were at the same level before Alicia nodded at me as she was cutting the glass window with a laser. I wonder where she got that equipment.

"Okay, let's go," she said as she entered the room she was light on her feet before landing softly. I rolled my eyes as I did the same as her. Show off! She smirked at me before she went to the computer that was idling sleep on the table in the office that we broke in.

Alicia hacked into the computer and the security cameras. We were looking for Nicolas when there was a camera that was being live feed 24/7.

"You think that might be him?" I asked her as she was opening the camera feed's location and we were looking at two people that were just entering the room. One was a man and another was a woman. The man looked familiar anyway before Alicia cursed under her breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked before she shook her head.

"Nothing, we better hurry if we don't want Nicolas to get hurt and fast," she said before she closed the computer and took off. I followed her pursuit.

We were running down the stairs as Alicia guided me where we needed to be to avoid security and alarmed them. We have to work pretty great together.

"Okay, here we are, the basement. Do you have everything that you needed to rescue him?" Alicia asked me as I was nodding at her. She was taking two Colt .45 in her hands as she was nodding at me before she was kicking down the door and went inside. I was supposed to stay behind for a while before she whistled for her signal.

She did just then and I went inside. I did not flinch or shriek at the bloody mess that Alicia has created. She arched her eyebrow at me before I shrugged at her.

"Kind of missed the good old days," I said as I was lock picking the door that was concealed in the dark. Alicia laughed at me.

"And why is that?" She asked. I smirked at her before I opened the door and we went inside. It was pitch black.

"Nicolas?" I asked as the room was still. Suddenly, the lights were focusing on us as the man and the woman that we were seeing were staring at us with Nicolas hanging beside them. I was about to get to them before Alicia held me back.

"Ah, I see that my niece has returned from abroad," he said as he was speaking Spanish with Alicia. I scoffed like I don't understand before the man was smirking at me.

"And I see that you bring the Heiress of Almada to me. What a pleasant surprise," he said before he was clapping his hands together. We did not share his joy.

"Well, I think our introduction was not needed. After all, you were betrothed to my son, Nicolas. Isn't that right, son?" He asked Nicolas but he was still in the hanging position that they put him on.

"Let him go," I said as I was trying to control my anger right now. The smirk on the woman beside him did not help my case either.

"Oh, we will if you agreed to give all the power and position of Almada's fortune to your future father-in-law, my dear," her sweet voice was like a viper and I don't like it one bit.

Father-in-law? I thought Nico's father was dead.

"No, don't do it, Camila," Nicolas said as his voice was weak, as he was not being given enough food and drink during his stay. Now, I'm totally mad.

"Let him go, now," I said as Alicia's hold was doing nothing to me anymore. Nicolas' dad laughed as his light brown orbs were staring at me with a little evil in them.

"Now, why don't you agree to my terms and I will let Nicolas go?" He asked me before Alicia scoffed beside me.

"Yeah, not a chance, old man. We all know how greedy you are and look at what happened to Nicolas when your wife named him for her successor of the company," Alicia said before Nico's father was turning red.

"That bitch has made a mistake and she had paid for it with her life. Too bad she cannot save her son now," he said before he took out a dagger and stabbed Nicolas in the stomach. He grunted but it came out like a whisper. I gasped before my eyes were seeing red.

All red.

I gritted my teeth before I released Alicia's hold on me as I was jumped from the ground onto the balcony that they were standing on. I settled myself on the ledge as I was looking at them. They messed with my husband, my life, my love.

My love, I never thought I would say that.

I looked at them before the woman stepped in front of him, protecting him from the new danger that just came to them.


"I suggest you turn away from here and I let you live," she said as she was taking out a gun and pointed it at me. I smirked at her before I took out my special daggers, the one that I rarely used because it was deadly and poisonous.

Just for this occasion.

I held it in my hands as I was trying to feel it on my hands for so long that I have gone low and it nearly cost me everything I held dear.



My life.

And they will pay for this.

"Let's see if you can turn away from me now," she said before she was firing at me. I was dodging it as I cut through the bullet. It was the most basic thing that Alfred asked us to do during our training.

I was the best among them.

She fired it again and again until she was running out of ammo. I was smirking all the way when she was firing and it clicked. She's out. I was still walking toward her as Nicolas' father was nowhere to be found. I don't give a damn about that coward. But I knew this bitch. She was bad news.

"Now, shall we play the old fashion way?" I asked her before she drew her daggers in her hands and went at me. I was blocking her advances as our daggers clicked and sliced against each other. I was holding her strength. For a sick person, she was strong, I gave her that.

"You will pay," I said as I looked at her. She just smirked.

"Well, I already am," she said before she pushed me down and I was staggering backward before she was throwing a dagger at me. I dodged it as I was looking at her.

"You missed," I said. She smirked at me as I heard a grunt.

"I never miss," she said before I turned around to look at Nicolas with a new dagger stuck into his shoulder. I gasped and when I turned around, she was gone.

"Damn it," I said before I went toward Nicolas and I was trying to break him free of the rope. I was having a blank before I did what I can. I cut the rope and I went to get him so that he would fall to his death.

I gripped him as I was cushioning his fall and we were safely back on the ground. I cut the rope before I was looking at his cut, one on the stomach and one on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, we got him," a new voice was coming from my side as I looked up and I saw that Adam Florenz was here.

"Please, help him," I said before Adam went to my side and he was holding me as he handcuffed me.

"Camila Almada, you're under arrest for breaching and stealing from Garcia's Industrial Inc. You have the right to remain silent or all the words that you say will be used against you in court," he said as he was dragging me away. I looked over my shoulder as medics were trying to treat the wounds on Nicolas.

My Nicolas.

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