Chapter 14

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Nicolas Garcia's POV

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I have to move fast before someone found her. I have to make sure that she was safe and where else Camila might be safe other than in my hands and my house. After she blacked out, I scooped her up. I shouted for Luis before he called for my car. He opened the door before we got in and sped off from the bar.

"Is she okay?" Luis asked me in Spanish. I cursed as I felt that her pulse was low. Someone got to her before I can stop them. Damn it!

"I think she will be okay but we need to move fast. Do you called for the doctor?" I asked Luis before he took out a phone and called my family doctor.

Not that I wanted to brag or anything, but with my line of work, we needed to keep a doctor around us all the time and I thought I never thought that I needed a doctor so much in my house where a woman was concerned.

Where Camila was concerned.

Shit, this was bad. A very bad sign indeed.

"She said that she will be on her way," Luis said as he was looking at me. I was holding Camila closed to my chest.

"Sir, we're here," my driver said as he was pulling up in the foyer of my house, I mean, my mansion.

"Thank you," I said as Luis was going off to hold the door for me before I picked up Camila's bridal style and I went inside the house. I don't think I wanted her to be in the guest rooms, and believe me I have plenty, my feet just brought me to my room, the master bedroom, like it was the most natural thing to do.

I set her down on the mattress as she was mumbling in her sleep. She looked so peaceful like an angel.

"Leave us," I instructed them before the doctor came rushing in.

"What's the matter?" She asked before I just nodded my chin toward Camila on my bed. In my room. I smiled at that thought but I covered it up with a cough. The doctor looked at me but I just shook my head,

She checked Camila's pulse and she was grimacing. I hoped she was not in grave danger. Then, the doctor checked her lungs and other doctor stuff as I don't know what she was doing. Later on, she just sighed.

"Well?" I asked her as she was collecting her stuff into her bag. I waited and waited until she was ready to tell me the news.

"Luckily, she was not in any danger that you might think she had but she was drunk and was being poisoned," she said coolly


"Yes, someone spiked her drink and she took it with the wine. The counter-reaction of the poison and the wine was infuriating as she was trying to battle it. She had encountered this kind of poison before, believe it or not," the doctor said as she was looking at me, bags on her shoulder. I nodded.

"Well, thank you for your service," I said before I went to take a seat beside Camila. She looked at me for a while as she was trying to tell me something.

"What is it?" I asked her. She cleared her throat.

"What are you planning for her?" She asked. I was quiet.

"It is her, right?" Another silent. She sighed before she went to the door and opened it. She stopped for a while before she looked at me again, I was holding Camila's hand.

"You have to tell her one day," she said.

"And I will do my best until that day come," I said before she went out of the room and she closed the door behind her.

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