Chapter 4

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Y/N motioned outside of the tent, the cheerful atmosphere hitting her as a her lips curled upwards into a smile. She took a deep breath as she fluttered her eyes close, letting the soft breeze of happiness hit her.

"Fascinating isn't it?"

Y/N jumped slightly at the sudden voice as she shot her eyes open but soon relaxed herself as she glanced to the Hufflepuff beside her, "Merlin's sake, Ced."

The Hufflepuff chuckled softly as he patted the girl on the back softly, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you there." he responded as the girl gave the boy a dismissive wave in response.

Cedric glanced to the girl and smiled as he moved his hands into the pockets of his pants, "So, how was your summer?" he questioned as the Ravenclaw sighed and shrugged.

"Nothing much, spent most of my time with Harry and my parents. Well, dad did bring home an elf and we got really close, she's like our family at this point. That's about it." Y/N responded nonchalantly as Cedric hummed and nodded understandingly.

His lips curled up to a smirk as he quirked an eyebrow up to the Ravenclaw, "How about you and your girlfriend, been well?" he questioned in a playful tone as the girl rolled her eyes and playfully nudged him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, we've been good. She brought me to a fascinating Muggle place, a carnival fair. You should go some day it's really brilliant." Y/N told, her grin widening and her cheeks flashing a subtle pink as she recalled the event.

"Must've been fun, I've read about those before in Muggle Studies, sounds brilliant." Cedric beamed as the girl nodded, "They're brilliant. The atmosphere's quite cheerful, just like where we are now."

Cedric and Y/N chuckled softly as they looked out to the crowds of cheerful people who were running around their tents, some were singing, some were busy soaring the sky on their broomsticks.

Then, Y/N turned to Cedric with a quirk of her eyebrow, "How about you, Ced? You and Cho?" she questioned as the Hufflepuff boy's pale skin turned bright pink. He let out a nervous laughter as he scratched the back of his neck, "We're...friends.."

The girl snickered as she noticed the boy's shy state before she swung her arm around his shoulder, "A little shy are we, Diggory?" she teased playfully as Cedric rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Bugger off, Y/L/N. We're really just friends."

The girl hummed and nodded her head in a teasing way, "Mhm...yeah..For now." she retaliated as the boy's cheeks darkened in color.


Instantly, Y/N and Cedric wheeled around and was met with the raven-haired boy peering his head out from one of the flaps of the tent. Harry motioned out of the tent and cleared his throat, "Mr Weasley's looking for you, says he wants to catch up with you."

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