Chapter 13

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The sound of the alarm ringing had awoken Y/N as she let out a low groan, reluctantly fluttering her eyes open. She remembered the cause of her misery, she wish she could just stay in bed all day.

Finally, she got the courage swing herself off of her bed, swiftly headed to her closet to get a change of clothes before exiting her dorm. As she descended the spiral staircase she could hear whispers of her name around the common room, she could sense the looks other students were giving her but she chose to ignore it.

Surprisingly, she managed to drag her feet along the common room to meet up with a certain second year she recognized, "Hey Madelyn, have you see any of my friends?" she questioned, her voice low and raspy considering her mind was still asleep.

Madelyn seemed to be the only one who gave the Ravenclaw a cheerful smile, "Hi, Y/N! They just left for breakfast I believe." she told cheerfully, earning a small smile from the Ravenclaw as she responded with a nod, "Oh okay, thanks Mads."

Madelyn gave the girl a dismissive wave in response, "No worries, how are you? Triwizard Cham-"

"I'll be going now, Bye!" The Ravenclaw concluded quickly, she didn't want to hear it, she just couldn't handle it right now. She barely had any sleep last night, the thoughts of what holds the future constantly running through her mind.

She exited the common room sluggishly only to be startled by a certain girl that stood in front of her, "Merlin, Morning, Angel."Y/N blurted out, rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn, not noticing the bushy-haired girl's frowned expression.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Hermione questioned concerningly, the Ravenclaw's eyelids were heavy leaving her eyes only half open as she shook her head, "Yeah, had loads." she responded , coming off slightly sarcastic.

Hermione rolled her eyes, letting out a huff as she glared at the Ravenclaw, "Y/N." she growled sternly, earning a sigh from her girlfriend as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "Maybe 3-4 hours? I dunno, woke up in the middle of the night a few times, the bed was quite uncomfortable last night." she replied nonchalantly with a shrug.

Though, the bushy-haired girl shot the Ravenclaw an unamused glare before letting out a sigh, "Love, you need rest, 3 to 4 hours of sleep doesn't look good on you." she pointed out, though she really couldn't disagree, she felt horrible, and most certainly looked horrible too.

She had dark bags under her eyes, eyelids were practically about to shut themselves, her face was pale, lips were dry, her hair was a mess, she wasn't in a good place at all.

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