Chapter 27

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" and Viktor..? You know, you could've told me back at the library, give me some reassurance that he didn't take Hermione to the ball." Y/N scoffed, earning a playful snicker from Angelique as they walked down the wooden bridge.

It was probably the only time they had ever talked outside of the library and the Great Hall, they decided to change up their 'meeting destination' a bit, considering the last time they talked at the library, bad things happened.

"Vell, you needed a little push so that's what I did." she retaliated playfully to which the Ravenclaw scoffed at, "I needed a push? And for what?"

"To ask your girlfriend to ze Yule Ball, bien sûr." Angelique retorted smugly as Y/N rolled her eyes unamusingly, "Oh shut up, I would've asked her anyways." she stated nonchalantly, earning an amused expression from Angelique along with a scoff.

"You sure avout that? Last time I remember you were all 'somevody's already asked her', 'she vouldn't vant to go vith me'. Ring any bells?" she countered back as she sent the Ravenclaw a knowing playful look to which Y/N sarcastically smiled at.

Just then, they heard footsteps approach them as they turned around to the sound, Y/N's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as she noticed the bushy-haired girl was speed walking towards them.

"Mione..what are you doing here...?" Y/N questioned curiously, though was ignored by the bushy-haired girl as she beamed a smile towards Angelique and back to the Ravenclaw, "Hi, Love. Hi Angelique. Nice weather isn't it?"

"Oui, not too cold or too hot, parfaite." Angelique responded with the same grin, though Y/N felt something odd about Hermione as she eyed her skeptically before the bushy-haired girl let out a chuckle and with a click of her tongue, "Right, Angelique, you don't mind if I steal Y/N for a while do you?"

Angelique flickered her gaze between the Ravenclaw and the bushy-haired girl before cheerfully clapping her hands together and shaking her head, "No, no! Go ahead, ve vere just finished."

Though, the Ravenclaw raised both of her eyebrows at the Beauxbaton girl who only shot her a playful look in response along with a wink, and just like that she left. Y/N let out a sigh before she turned back to the bushy-haired girl, who didn't seemed so pleased with her, "Hi, Mione...what's up?"

"What's up?" Hermione scowled as she dragged the Ravenclaw who was now yelling in pain, by the wrist towards the edge of the wooden bridge, where the cold February breeze hit their skins.

Finally, the bushy-haired girl had let the Ravenclaw go as she immediately soothed the skin of her wrist, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she stared dazedly at Hermione, 'What's all this about?"

"I'll tell you what's all this about." Hermione scoffed as she took lifted the book in her hold , and just like that the Ravenclaw saw her life flash right by her eyes as a loud slap was sent onto her shoulders.

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