Chapter 5

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Y/N felt her body slowly regained consciousness as she propped her upper body up with her elbows. There weren't any noises surrounding her as she slowly lifted her eyelids open, her vision blurry but she could see a faint figure of a man in the far distance.

Suddenly, she heard faint sounds of the ground ruffling beside her causing her to glance to her side, in her blurry vision she could make out the figure sitting a few feet away from her, it was Harry but before she could call for the boy another man's voice sounded.


Instantly, the girl wheeled her head around to where the man's figure stood in the far distance, he had his wand in the air as a peal of thunder shook the earth. An eerie green bloomed into the sky. Y/N's face scrunched up in pain as she clutched her lower abdomen, her scar was shooting a stinging and burning sensation throughout her entire body.

She squinted as she tried to held the pain back and peered up to the sky, a colossal skull of emerald stars erupted in the sky it also had a serpent coiling from its mouth.

Suddenly, a shriek pierced the night as Y/N's eyes shift towards a little motherless boy a few yards away, he was howling in terror as he stared at the sky. The Ravenclaw glanced back towards the man in the distance and noticed he was coming forward.

Y/N's fingers reached for her wand, her eyes squinting through the smoke as she tried to make clear of the approaching man's face but all of it was still a blur, the smoke was like black fog. The man wavering wrath as he drew closer and closer..

"Y/N!" "Harry!" two familiar voices called out, voices Y/N recognized immediately, it was Hermione and Ron. The man in the distance stopped abruptly as he looked around slightly frantic before withdrawing into the smoke and vanished.

"Y/N!" Hermione called out as she sprinted towards the girl on the ground. "Harry!" Ron called out as he bolted to the raven-haired boy a few feet away, the bushy-haired girl held a panicked and worried look as she eyed the Ravenclaw, "Are you okay? Thank Godric we were able to find you."

The Ravenclaw let out a breathless chuckle as pushed herself to sit upright, Hermione instinctively helped the girl as she seemed slightly bruised up, "I'm fine, Angel."

Suddenly, her smile fell as her face scrunched up, once again the burning sensation of her scar sparked throughout her body, "Arghh" she grunted as she clutched her lower abdomen. Hermione worriedly observed the girl before glancing over to the raven-haired boy who was clutching his forehead, she turned back to the Ravenclaw as she swung Y/N's arm over her shoulder, "Here, we need to get you out of here."

The bushy-haired girl helped the Ravenclaw up as she groaned in pain before standing up on her two feet, feeling the burning sensation from her scar slowly die down before she glanced back up to the sky. "What's that?" she questioned as the bushy-haired girl peered to the sky.

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