Chapter 41

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The summer breeze now soaring through the air, the group were gathered near the courtyard, enjoying the last time they'd see each other before the long summer holiday, where Y/N and Harry would be living in hell.

"Blimey, Y/N, you and Harry can't go a day without having your throats hunt down." Ron snickered, earning a bored look from the Ravenclaw and Harry as they looked out into the view beneath them.

"Trust me, Ron," Y/N sighed, "I've been wishing for a risk free year ever since first year."

"Would be a bit boring wouldn't it?" Lizzy chuckled, "What's life without a few dragons?"

The group chuckled at Lizzy's remark before slowly the laughter died down, a moment of silence emerged, though it wasn't the awkward type, instead it was more of the type where they didn't have to say a word to each other, just enjoying each others presence.

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" said Hermione as the Ravenclaw took a glance at her girlfriend on her side before looking back out to the view, "Yeah..."

"We'll have to leave here someday. Best enjoy it while you can, don't you think?" Aidan told as everybody hummed in return.

There was another few seconds of silence, all of them gathered together, admiring the view afar, letting the summer breeze rush through their skins. Finally, Harry broke the silence.

"Let's make a group vow," he told as everybody turned their heads towards him with questioning looks, "That no matter what happens, we stay together."

The group all exchanged knowing glances, before the Ravenclaw responded with a shrug, "Sure, I'm in." she beamed as she extended her hand out, palm down in the middle of the group.

Slowly, one by one each of them followed, stacking their palms on top one another before finally, Harry finished on top.

"We all vow," Y/N spoke, "That no matter where the future brings us, we all stick and stay together, not just as friends, but as family."

"Family." they all repeated together as they raised their hands up together, a few chuckles and laughter filled the group, enlightening the cheerful mood within that moment.

Y/N was glad to have them by her side throughout the school year, especially with everything that went on that year, it was hectic, chaotic, painful but in the end they were all still together.


"The same old compartment." said Caleb, "Perhaps we should name this 'the Ravindor' train compartment."

"Ravindor, wow, Mclaughlin." Y/N snickered, "if only you use that creative brain of yours on actual exams." she retaliated smugly, earning a scolding glare from the dark-skinned boy.

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