Chapter 31

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Y/N and Harry now found themselves hesitantly approaching Dumbledore's office, they decided it was the only right thing to do, considering every time their scars hurt, it always had an indication to something dangerously bad happening.

The two hadn't exchanged a word as they were still stunned from the occurrence back at the Forest, as they neared the wooden door leading to Dumbledore's office they could hear voices sounding from inside.

"If you take the necessary measures, Cornelius, we may still be able to save the situation." a voice recognized as Dumbledore sounded as the duo just stood behind the door, listening.

"Cancel the Triwizard Tournament! You can't be serious Albus!" Another voice boomed, Y/N could make it out as Cornelius Fudge's voice, "It would be an international incident. And as Minister of Magic, I must say the last thing we need is-"

"I admit it would take courage. But courage is what is needed now." Dumbledore retaliated calmly, the duo continued to stand there, they exchanged quizzical glances as they were clueless on what to do, it seemed as though they were having a serious conversation it wouldn't be so nice to interrupt, though they also couldn't just turn around and walk back to the common room.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, but it might interest you to know..." they heard Moody chime in, "this conversation is no longer private."

Y/N and Harry's eyes widened as they watched the door in front of them swing open, revealing Dumbledore, Fudge and Moody whose magical eye was bristling. Even though, Fudge was smiling to them, the Ravenclaw could make out the distressed face behind that smile, it was obvious he was trying to put on his best face.

"Y/N! Harry! How good to see you again!" Fudge exclaimed cheerfully, though the atmosphere felt anything but cheerful, it felt awfully awkward, like the two shouldn't had been there at that time, Harry eyed the three older wizards in front of him before he decided to break the silence, "We can come back later, sir-"

"Not necessary, Harry. The Minister and I are.." Dumbledore trailed off as he shared a glance with Fudge who didn't seem so pleased at the moment, "done. I'll only be a moment." he beamed as he motioned towards the door, trailed behind Moody and Fudge before he turned back to the duo.

"Oh. Feel free to indulge in a Licorice Snap in my absence." he grinned, "But I warn you. They're quite fresh."

And just like that, the duo were now left alone in Dumbledore's office, the clunk of Moody's wooden leg growing faint as the duo glanced about, there were portraits of old headmasters and headmistress who snoozed soundly in their sleep.

Though, a small smile curled up the Ravenclaw's lips as she noticed Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix watching blankly at them from across the room, "Hello, Fawkes. How are you?"

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