Chapter 30

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It was now March as the cold weather is now turning warmer, students were now wearing less heavy clothes, not having to wear thick scarfs around their necks or multiple layers of clothes anymore.

Though, right now, Y/N couldn't really feel the weather as she was practically underground, the only thing close to the feeling of temperature was the heat coming from the burner sitting under her cauldron as she slowly stirred it.

Once again, they were working on antidotes, it seemed that their syllabus this year was mainly focusing on antidotes to counter specific charms. Snape seemed to be having the time of his life, deducting points from every student that weren't Slytherins for any sort of reason you could think of.

Obviously, Snape despised Y/N and Harry, it was obvious ever since first year, though the Ravenclaw always found it amusing when she would brew a perfect potion, the look on Snape's face would always satisfy her.

Surprisingly, despite having her Professor completely hate her guts, potions was one of her best subjects , aside from D.A.D.A of course, which she always scored an Outstanding on. Though, she'd always at least get an Exceeds Expectation on Potions, occasionally she would score an Outstanding but it hadn't happened in a while, mostly due to the fact of her Professor.

She somewhat enjoyed making potions, except for the part where Snape would constantly be staring down their throats or the part where the Slytherins would snicker at them for who knows what.

"Harry, you're cutting your ginger roots wrong." Y/N pointed out in a hushed tone, earning a quizzical look from the raven-haired boy, letting out a soft snicker she gestured the proper cutting motion towards Harry, "Do it like this."

Harry's eyebrows raised as he studied the Ravenclaw's motion before adjusting his grip around his knife and continued to chop his ginger roots in the correct form shown by the Ravenclaw.

A proud smile curled up the Ravenclaw lips before she glanced over to Hermione's cauldron beside her, causing her smile to falter into a frown as she observed the overburnt antidote solution in the cauldron.

She glanced over to the bushy-haired girl, eyebrows furrowing deeper together as she noticed her girlfriend scowling towards a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hands, she took a short glance at Snape who was busy talking to another student, quickly she leaned to her side, "What's going on, you're antidote's overcooking."

Though, she was earned a scoff from the bushy-haired girl as she slammed the piece of parchment down onto an empty chair beside her, "She's done it again!" she snapped hushedly as the Ravenclaw only fell deeper into puzzlement.

Taking another short glance at Snape before slowly taking the Daily Prophet from the chair, hiding it underneath the table as she began to scan through it,

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