Chapter 2

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It was a dark and stormy night, chattering of familiar people sounded in the dark room. A baby's cry could be heard in the hold of a man's arms as he rocked the baby back on forth trying to hush it, "'s alright..."

A tear could be seen trickling down his cheek as he continued to calm the crying baby, "Are you crying? Pathetic!" an elderly man boomed, he seemed to be related with the younger man who held the baby as they shared the same facial features.

The elder men glanced at the baby in the younger mans arms and scowled, "This was all your fault, Morfin! I should've thrown her out ages ago! Annoying bastard she is! I'd rather kill her off now if you'd rather Tom do that for you!"

"Don't you dare call her that." Morfin seethed as the baby in his arms started wailing louder than before, quickly he started muttering comforting words as he rocked the baby back and forth.

The elder man only grew more furious at the sight as he scoffed, "Didn't I raise you right? First your sister goes off marrying some Muggle and here you are meddling with a baby! Now she's going to die along with you!"

"JUST SHUT UP, DAD! I've followed everything you've said since the day I was born! I've been your best son! And just this once could you repay that favor!" Morfin snapped as the sound of a loud storm emerged outside the window.

His father stood there stunned, never before has he seen his son so furious at him. He watched as his son continued to sing a lullaby to the baby in his arms, at that moment, just a tiny bit of sympathy he had felt towards the two, "Hide her."

Morfin turned to his father and gave him a puzzled look but his father only nodded his head towards a cupboard in the corner, "That's the only choice we have to hope he doesn't find her."

Morfin's lips pursed together as he slowly nodded, he walked towards the cupboard and opened the doors as he slowly placed the crying baby into the cupboard. Another trickle of tears could be seen falling down his cheek as he unwrapped the baby's grip around his finger, "I'm's the best I could do."

He closed the doors of the cupboard, "Colloportus." he casted as a click sounded from the cupboard doors. "Quietus" he casted again as the sounds of the baby crying were now no longer heard.

bang! the doors of the Gaunt Shack bursted open, Morfin gripped his wand tightly as anger fueled him, he poised his wand towards the figure approaching him, "How dare you-"

"tsk tsk...It's alright Uncle, it's just me." the figure clicked his tongue as he glanced to the elderly man, "Hello Grandfather." he grinned devilishly.

"Stand Back, Tom!" Morfin warned as he poised his wand towards the boy, "Avada Ke-"

"Expelliarmus!" Tom casted causing Morfin's wand to fly out of his hands. Tom laughed devilishly at the sight of Morfin and his father's horrified expressions, "How dare you, use my muggle name. The names, Voldemort, Uncle. You should know by now."

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