Chapter 24

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"I still can't believe you rejected Krum like that." Y/N snickered playfully, earning a swat on the shoulder from the bushy-haired girl, accompanied with a glare as they ascended the staircase towards the Fat Lady Portrait, "If I hadn't have rejected him, you'd be opening the ball alone."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." Y/N scoffed, rubbing the spot on her shoulder as Hermione rolled her eyes playfully before muttering the password, allowing the Fat Lady portrait to swing open as they entered the Gryffindor Common room.

Noticing that Lizzy, Caleb, Aidan and Harry were already seated in front of the fireplace, they decided to join in, Y/N and Hermione took the empty seats beside the raven-haired boy who was zoned out.

Staring at the boy quizzically, she motioned her hand in front of the boy and snapped them causing him to jump and snap out of his thoughts as he turned to be met with the frowned expression from Y/N.

"What's up with you?" she questioned curiously, Harry seemed to still be slightly dazed as he stayed silent for a few seconds before shaking his head, "Nothing." he murmured lowly to which Y/N skeptically nodded at.

"Made any progress with the egg?" Lizzy questioned suddenly, everyone's attention was now laid on her as Y/N's lips pursed together, "No..not much." she responded with a slight shake of her head.

Just then, frantic breathing was heard from the entrance, catching everyone's attention as they wheeled their heads around to be met with a disheveled Ron, staggering his feet across the room and collapsed onto a chair as Ginny trailed beside him.

The group exchanged puzzled glances at the shell-shocked state of the red-headed boy before Caleb decided to speak up, "What happened to you?"

Though, Ron hadn't respond, he was too petrified that words couldn't form beneath his breath. Instead, Ginny who was fighting hard to suppress her smile helped him respond, "He's just asked Fleur Delacour."

A snicker escaped Y/N's lips, though she was quickly shutted up by a swat on the side from the bushy-haired girl accompanied with a scolding glare. Lizzy on the other hand seemed like she was not having it at all, "What!"

"What'd she say?" Aidan questioned amusingly, earning a scoff from the bushy-haired girl, "No, of course." she retorted, though a sudden doubt flashed through her as she eyed the red-headed boy, "She did say no....?"

Ron still couldn't form a single word as he only shook his head in response causing the Ravenclaw's eyes to widened, not realising the playful grin that formed on her lips, "She said yes!???!!!"

Instantly, her face scrunched up in pain as she felt a pinch being sent to her thigh, "Ow!" she yelped as she spinned her head to her side, being met with a stern glare from Hermione, her eyes narrowing immensely as the Ravenclaw shot her hands up defensively and nodded, "Okay, okay..don't need to be so violent, Granger."

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