Chapter 19

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Y/N found herself now nervously standing in front of the door library's doors, taking a deep breath before she stepped in, sending Madam Pince a smile as usual before she headed down the middle aisle, passing by the rows and rows of books.

She searched around for a certain girl, though someone else had caught her eye, a familiar Beauxbaton girl was seated on the table, buried once again in another french book.

Debating to herself, she glanced around again, though no sign of the person she's looking for, sighing to herself she approached Angelique's table.

The sound of her footsteps seemed to catch Angelique's attention, shooting the Ravenclaw a questioning look, "Y/N? How are you?" she beamed with a wide grin as the Ravenclaw returned one.

"Not the best with the current circumstances." she responded lowly, earning a breathless chuckle from the Beauxbaton, "Yes, I've heard, ze first task iz dragons?"

Instantly, the Ravenclaw fell into a pit of confusion as she stared dazedly at Angelique, tilting her head to the side slightly, "Wait, how do you know?"

"Ah, I'm quite ze good friends vith Fleur." Angelique mentioned nonchalantly with a shrug, earning a skeptical nod from the Ravenclaw before she shook her head, getting her mind back to the main reason she was here.

She shot Angelique a serious expression, "Have you seen Granger? Anywhere?" she questioned curiously, earning a nod from the Beauxbaton as she pointed to an aisle further down the library.

"i zaw her zhe's over zere putting back zome books." Angelique told, earning a thankful smile from the Ravenclaw, "Thanks a lot." she beamed as Angelique gave her a dismissive wave in response.

"It's zothing." she responded, the Ravenclaw nodded as she was about to turn away before a voice called her, "y/N?"

Questioningly she turned around to see Angelique holding a somewhat concerned expression, she tilted her head to the side curiously as her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, "Need me for something?"

Angelique seemed to have a mental debate with herself before she sighed deeply, averting her gaze down to her fingers on the table that fiddled nervously together, "Just please, ve careful.."

The Ravenclaw snickered as she sent Angelique a smirk, "Can't get rid of me that easily." she retaliated, earning a soft chuckle from Angelique as she nodded, "Zat iz true."

Though, Y/N could tell on Angelique's face there was something more, she eyed the girl skeptically as her eyebrows furrowed deeper together, "Is there...anything else?"

Though she only earned a shake of the head by the girl, "No, zothing..." she reassured. The RAvenclaw could see past her lie, though she didn't want to push the girl so she only hesitantly nodded, "Okay..I'll talk to you tomorrow." she sighed, earning a nod from Angelique as she waved the girl goodbye to which Y/N returned.

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