Chapter 39

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Dumbledore sounded, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts as he turned to look at the group, "There is work to be done." he told, "Molly, Arthur I right thinking I can count on the both of you?"

"Of course you can." Mrs Weasley replied, she was white to her lips, though the look she held was incredibly resolute. Dumbledore formed a small smile as he clicked his tongue, "All those that we can persuade of the truth must be notified immediately , and Arthur, I believe you are well placed to contact those at the Ministry who are not as short-sighted as Cornelius."

Arthur immediately nodded with a determined look, "Definitely."

Dumbledore turned towards Y/M/N who was still seated beside the Ravenclaw, "Y/M/N I believe you and Y/D/N, could help on this matter too."

She as well, instantly nodded in response, "I'll do whatever that needs to be done." she responded genuinely. A sudden determination flashed through the Ravenclaw at the mention of her father as she attempted to hop off her bed, "I'll get to dad-"

"No, you stay here." Y/M/N ordered as once more she was pushed back onto the bed, "What you need is rest, let us handle this okay? You've done more than enough tonight."

The Ravenclaw let out a scoff as she once more tried to pry herself up from her mother's grip, though she was pushed back more harshly as her mother shot her a pointed look. Finally and very unwillingly she obliged, "Fine."

"I'll get in contact with Y/D/N, right now." Y/M/N stated, she pecked the Ravenclaw on the forehead, and, without another word, left the hospital wing.

"Minerva." Dumbledore called, turning towards Professor McGonagall, "I want to see Hagrid in my office as soon as possible. Also, if she will consent to come, Madame Maxime."

McGonagall nodded and left the hospital wing without another word. Madam Pomfrey had also left to her office, which Dumbledore made sure of as he moved to shut the doors of the hospital wing.

"And now." Dumbledore voiced, "It is time for two of our number to recognize each other for what they are. Sirius...if you could resume your usual form."

Just then, the black dog had transformed back into a man as Mrs Weasley let out a shriek,leaping back from the bed, "Sirius Black!"

"Mum, shut up!" Ron yelled as she grabbed his mom by the wrist, trying to get her to calm down, "It's ok!"

Snape however, had not yelled or jumped backwards, but the look on his face was one that mingled fury and horror, "Him!" he snarled as he glared at Sirius whose face showed equal dislike, "What is he doing here?!"

"He is here at my invitation." Dumbledore told, flickering his gaze between them, "as are you Severus, I trust you both. It is time for you to lay aside your old differences, and trust each other."

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