Chapter 3

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In the dark and gloomy night, an old man holding a lamp and a stick could be seen walking along the tall grass in front of a giant manor, he seemed irritated as he pushed through the tall grass, cursing under his breath.

As he entered the giant dark manor, it gave off a very eerie vibe as he ascended the stairs. Faint chattering could be heard from the end of the hallway where a door stood ajar, casting a silver light across the dusty floor. The man edged closer and saw a narrow slice of the room beyond.

"But why here, my Lord? It seems so...inhospitable." A voice questioned as a figure could be seen kneeling in front of a sofa.

"How fastridious you've become. Wormtail. As I recall, only recently you called the nearest gutter pipe home. Could it be that the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you?" the figure on the sofa responded but Wormtail who kneeled in front of the sofa shook his head immediately.

"No, my Lord! I Only meant-"

"I have my reasons for coming here.Thirteen years of reasons." The figure on the sofa interjected. "Perhaps if we were to do it without the girl..." Wormatil trailed off as he seemed to wait for an assurance.

"No. The girl is everything." The figure on the sofa responded sternly as another young man appeared and kneeled in beside Wormtail, "I will not fail you, my Lord." the younger boy told.

Just then, the elder man's walking stick rattled against the floorboard. He eyed it curiously, to his horror he watched as a giant snake emerged from the shadows behind him. It skimmed past his shoes and into the room, hissing eeriely to the man on the sofa.

"Nagini has interesting news. Wormtail. According to her, there is an old Muggle standing just outside this room." the figure on the sofa seethed as the door swung wide open revealing Wormtail clearly in the doorway.

"Perhaps I should finish him off." Wormtail suggested as the elder man watched in horror. "Where are your manners, Wormtail? Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting." the figure on the sofa hissed as Wormtail grinned devilishly and stepped away.

The giant snake slowly approached the horrified elder man as he tried to slowly back off, "Avada Kedarva!" A flash of green light seared through the walls causing the walking stick clattered to the floor..

"Y/N! Wake up!"

Instantly, Y/N let out a sharp gasp and shot her eyes open. She felt a stinging sensation throughout her entire body as she clutched her scar on her lower abdomen, her face scrunched up in pain as sweat trickled down her forehead.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Lizzy questioned slightly concerned as the girl slowly calmed herself. "Bad dream" Y/N muttered nonchalantly as Lizzy switched the lamp on Y/N's bedside table on.

The Ravenclaw groaned irritatedly as she sat herself upright, squinting her eyes towards Lizzy before rubbing them and yawned, "Why are we up so early?" she groaned in a low raspy voice as Lizzy scoffed.

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