Chapter 9

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Y/N strolled around the corridor near the courtyard, not really having a planned destination as she took in little details of the castle she'd never realized before. Caleb, Lizzy and Aidan were busy with their last minute homework that the Ravenclaw had already finished, the bushy-haired girl was in the library for some 'important research', Harry and Ron were probably in their dorms, doing who knows what really.

While strolling along the corridor, turning random corners just for the fun of it, letting her mind relax and welcome any random thoughts that might flow into her brain.

A few in particular thoughts seemed to intrigue her, the thought of Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students coming in less than 24 hours and the thought of the Triwizard Tournament. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd really want to participate. Well, she doesn't really know much about the Tournament until tomorrow, where Dumbledore will announce everything that needed to be known.

She was so sucked in her own mind that she hadn't notice loud footsteps that approached her from behind, "Y/N!" a boy's voice called out causing the girl to instantly snap out of her thoughts and wheel around. Her lips curled up to a smile at the sight, "Hello, Ced."

The brunette boy flashed the girl a toothy grin as he waved, "Hi, was wondering are you busy right now?" he questioned. The Ravenclaw quirked an eyebrow up as she thought for awhile before shaking her head, "No, why?"

The brunette boy gave the girl a dismissive wave as he started to walk down the corridor, the girl followed beside, "It's nothing much, just wanted to catch up." he stated, the girl nodded as she glanced out to the courtyard, "I've been fine, if that's what you're wondering about."

Cedric let out a soft chuckle before turning back to the Ravenclaw, "That's always good to hear." he hummed. The girl eyed the tall boy skeptically before playfully nudging him in the shoulder, "What's up with you?"

The boy shrugged playfully as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Nothing." he responded nonchalantly, though the Ravenclaw could see right through his lie, she rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Cedric."

"Okay okay, I wanted to know your opinion on the Triwizard Tournament." he confessed as he held a pleading look towards the Ravenclaw. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed together as she thought about it before shrugging nonchalantly, "I think it'll be interesting, Mione's told me it's extremely dangerous though but I guess we'll only find out tomorrow."

Cedric hummed and nodded understandingly, though the Ravenclaw knew something was off about the boy, she glanced towards him with quirk of an eyebrow, "Why'd you ask?"

There was a short silent pause before the brunette boy let out a sigh as he turned to face the Ravenclaw, both of them coming to a halt near the pillar down the corridor, "Do you think I should join? If I had the chance to, of course."

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