Chapter 25

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Y/N found herself standing in front of the bathroom mirror, smoothing out her outfit before taking a deep breath, she didn't realise the nerve would hit her so hard but she really couldn't blame herself, she had to open the ball and practically be in the center of attention with the other three champions.

Nervously, she checked her phone once more, it was almost time for her to leave. McGonagall had told the champions to meet in a chamber for preparation before they enter the Great Hall which will be filled with hundreds of people.

The Ravenclaw let out another deep sigh with a shake of her head, attempting to calm down her nerves as she grabbed her phone and exited the bathroom, noticing the beautiful blue dress that Lizzy wore that fitted her perfectly, she let out a gasp as she nodded in approval.

"That looks amazing on you." Y/N breathed as Lizzy rolled her eyes playfully along with a playful scoff, "Not too bad yourself." she retaliated smugly, earning a chuckle from the Ravenclaw as she shrugged, "Appreciate it while you can."

"Seriously, you look brilliant." Lizzy stated genuinely as she trailed behind the Ravenclaw to exit their dorm, "Honestly, I don't understand why you hate dressing up."

"Not everyone loves to have heavy fabric all over their bodies, Liz." Y/N retaliated as she held the door open for Lizzy to exit before shutting the door, "Besides, you know I'm not really fond of formal events like these."

"You'll need to learn to love them soon, they're....magical." Lizzy expressed as they descended the stairs down to the common room, earning a scoff from the Ravenclaw, "I think my life is already magical enough."

Just then, a whistle sounded from the common room as the two girls averted their gaze to the sound, noticing the two fully dressed boys who eyed them with playful smirks.

"Hello, boys." Lizzy sounded as she motioned beside Caleb, intertwining her hand between his elbow as the dark-skinned boy nodded playfully, "Hello, stunning ladies." he complimented as the Ravenclaw scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Please, have you seen yourselves, the both of you look like the stunning ones here."

"Is that a compliment coming from Y/N?" Aidan joshed as he faked a surprised look, earning a playful nudge to his side from the Ravenclaw, "I'm serious you two look good in your dress robes." Y/N complemented genuinely as they descended the Ravenclaw tower.

"We know but thanks, besides not looking too bad yourself." Caleb hummed as he turned back to Lizzy beside him, "You too." he beamed, earning a thankful grin from the blonde-haired girl.

"Okay, I'll catch up with you all later, McGonagall wants to meet the champions first before we enter the Hall." Y/N stated as the three hummed and nodded understandingly, "See you later then, Y/L/N. Good Luck opening the ball." Caleb teased, earning a glare from the Ravenclaw.

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