Chapter 12

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Dumbledore had dismissed the champions back to bed, Y/N and Cedric were walking out of the now empty hall together.

The girl still stunned by everything, wishing everything had just been another terrible dream.

Cedric seemed to sense the girl's state as they walked through the corridor, "I believe you, you know?" he comforted gently, the Ravenclaw shot the brunette boy a thankful smile, though it withered away within seconds.

Cedric lips pursed together at the sight, he swung his arm around the girl's shoulder, in attempt to comfort her, "Come on, think positively, Y/L/N. You see both of us, we've got each others backs, what do Fleur and Krum have?"

The Ravenclaw thought about it as a small smile curled up her lips, giving the brunette boy a side glance as she noticed his smirked expression, rolling her eyes before letting out a playful huff.

"Exactly!" Cedric mused causing the girl to let out a soft snicker before playfully nudging his side.

"Thanks." she murmured softly , earning a pat on the shoulder from Cedric.

"Anytime, I know you're scared but that's alright, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you got it?" he assured genuinely, the Ravenclaw flashed the boy an appreciative grin and nodded, "Same to you, Ced."

"There you go. Now go get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N/N." he chorused before he headed off a different corridor, giving the girl a final glance over his shoulder along with a wave to which the Ravenclaw returned.

There, she was alone again, only her and her thoughts as she ascended the Ravenclaw tower. She couldn't make out who had placed her name into the Goblet, and for what reason? Was it to kill her? Was it to scare her?

Then, the thought of the Dark Mark at the Quidditch Cup crossed her mind, how could it be? Voldemort's far away, how could he have placed her name in the Goblet?

It seemed her feet had a mind of its own as she was now standing in front of the large wooden door, shaking herself out of her thoughts for a moment, reaching her hand up to the eagle knocker and knocked it three times.

She answered the riddle and entered the common room, the wind whistling through the windows seemed to have calmed her down a little, though she hand't realized the people that were seated on the sofa's with worried expressions.


She jumped at the voice, finally noticing that all her friends were there. She caught the worried expressions spread on their faces, everybody but the red-haired boy who stood against the fireplace.

Y/N knew what was going to be their next question, something along the lines of 'how did you do it?' 'why didn't you tell us', so she decided to talk before any of that came flooding in, "I didn't do it."

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