Chapter 22

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Y/N found herself now standing inside McGonagall's office, right in front of her desk. Puzzledly she decided to speak up, save her some risk from any further scolding she thought, "Um..Professor? Did I perhaps do anything wrong?"

She fell into deeper puzzlement when the Professor only chuckled in response, "Oh don't be silly, you've done nothing wrong." she responded, rather cheerfully to which was very unordinary for Professor McGonagall's usual strict demeanor.

"It's about the Yule Ball." she continued, shooting the Ravenclaw a knowing look as one of Y/N's eyebrows quirked up, "The Yule Ball, Professor?"

Professor McGonagall nodded as she started to sort out some papers, on her desk, "It's traditional during the Triwizard Tournament for the host school to put on a Christmas ball. It is also traditional for three Champions-"

She cut herself off as she took a short glance at the Ravenclaw before going back to sorting her papers, "In this case, four. To be the first to dance."

Y/N's eyes widened, cocking her head to side, hoping she heard the Professor wrong, "D-Dance? Like with someone?"

"Well, would you rather dance alone while all of your friends have their own partners whom they'd be dancing happily with?" McGonagall pointed out, the Ravenclaw stood there with her lips pursed, sheepishly nodding, earning herself a click of a tongue from the Professor, "That's what I thought."

"Also may I remind you, you are one of the champions, meaning you'd be opening the ball with a dance, so as the others. Who you bring with you will leave you a reputation, so shame yourself and you shame all who came before you." McGonagall stated sternly to which the Ravenclaw sheepishly nodded at.

"Mhm, no pressure." Y/N murmured out under her breath, though McGonagall seemed to have heard a slight whisper from the Ravenclaw, "What was that?"

Immediately, Y/N straightened herself up and sent McGonagall an innocent grin to which she eyed skeptically at, "Nothing, don't worry about it Professor, I'll find someone."

Professor McGonagall sighed as she placed the papers down onto the table, her attention fully on the Ravenclaw in front of her, "I trust you'll make the right decision."

Y/N grinned and nodded sincerely, "Definitely." she beamed before she backed away towards the door, "Thanks, Professor. I'll see you soon."

Though, once she left the door, she was anything but sincere, she quickly buried her face in the palms of her hands as a groaned emitted from her, "Just great."


Y/N had just came out from the Owlery, she had sent two letters, one off to Sirius and one off to her parents, she told them how the first task had went and that she'd be staying during the holidays for the Yule Ball, which has been filling her mind lots lately.

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