Chapter 37

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Y/N's mind was still racing from the incident, it felt like everything was a dream, but she knew she just didn't want to accept the fact that what had occurred was in fact, reality. Though, she couldn't think much as she was now being nudged into Moody's office as he slammed the door behind him shut.

He moved his ginormous trunk over to the Ravenclaw with his wand, gesturing her to take a seat as he took the seat behind his desk, "Well. Here we are. You all right?"

Y/N only nodded vaguely, she didn't know why she nodded, she just did, she was clearly anything but alright.

"Good. Now tell me what happened." Moody instructed, the Ravenclaw sat there dazed, she didn't want to remember what happened, it was like a bad nightmare she didn't want to relive again, not a single part of it.

Suddenly, she felt the trunk beneath her rattling violently, snapping out of her thoughts she moved the palms of her hand over the lid, attempting to stabilize it so that she wouldn't get knocked off the trunk.

"Y/L/N!" Moody called out sharply which instantly startled the Ravenclaw, it was unusual for him to shout at her so impatiently, it was very unusual, though she didn't think to much of it as she tried to piece everything that happened together, "Cup...the Cup."

"It was a Portkey." she spluttered out, still trembling from her encounter, "Yes, clearly someone bewitched it." Moody stated in a obvious tone, "But what happened? Tell me what happened?"

The Ravenclaw shut her eyes, the same pain, everything was starting to creep up her skin as she tried to force the words out of her mouth, "Everything was wrong...from the start. Fleur was attacked by someone, Krum I think? But he wasn't himself, his eyes were different, like he was cursed, someone controlling someone used the Imperius curse on him."

"Krum's not important, Y/L/N." Moody interjected sternly, "What happened after? When you got to the graveyard."

"It was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams..nightmare..." Y/N quickly stopped herself as her eyebrows furrowing together at a realization, "Wait. I didn't say anything about a graveyard."

She noticed Moody stiffening up, his tongue trailed very slowly over his lower lip, her suspicion began to rise, "Professor, you put the Cup in the maze, meaning you would've known that it was bewitched beforehand, wouldn't you?"

Though, no response from Moody as the trunk beneath her rattled violently once more, that's when it clicked, of course, but how could it be? He had helped her from the very first task, he had helped the Ravenclaw with almost every problem she had with the Tournament.

"It's you...." she murmured lowly as her grip around the trunk beneath tightened, "It was you wasn't it?, why-"

"Tell me what happened! I need to know what happened!" Moody exploded with anger, glaring at the Ravenclaw deadly in the eye, but the Ravenclaw was still in shock, how could it be him?

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