Chapter 15

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Y/N was seen seated alone at the wide ledge of a window at the Owlery, clearly burdened by everything going on. She hadn't talked to anybody after her conversation with Angelique, she just needed a time off.

She knew she probably should've went to her friends straight and explain herself but she couldn't get herself to do it, just not now.

The chill breeze brushing past her seemed to calm her a little as she stared out to the night sky. A small smile curled up her lips as she watched the beautiful glittering tiny stars, connecting them in her mind to make little shapes.

Then, she noticed something moving towards her in the sky, curiously she squinted her eyes and took a closer look, to her surprise it was a black owl, the Ravenclaw could make out the letter gripped within its talons.

The black owl approached the girl with a fluttering swoop and dropped onto the ledge that the Ravenclaw was seated at, it kept bobbing its head impatiently.

The Ravenclaw eyed the owl quizzically before carefully taking a weathered bit of parchment that was lashed crudely to the owl's legs.

She opened the piece of parchment, her eyes scanned through it,

Y/N, Harry. I couldn't risk sending Hedwig. Ever since the World Cup, the Minstry's been intercepting more and more owls and she's too easy recognised. I need to talk to the both of you, face to face. Meet me in the Gryffindor Common Room at one o' clock this Saturday morning. Make sure the both of you're along..


The Ravenclaw's eyebrows began to furrow together, she didn't understand, what did her godfather meant by 'face-to-face'? Was he planning to enter the castle just to meet the both of them? Risking his life just to talk to her and Harry?

She quickly shook her head, in attempt to brush her thoughts away, surely Sirius wouldn't do something as risky as that. Though, she knew she had to tell Harry immediately, meaning she'd also have to explain herself.

She sighed to herself before giving the black owl a soft pat. Then, she whipped out her phone from her pocket, sending the raven-haired a text, telling him to meet her at her common room to let him read the letter.

After she finished she shut her phone and admired the night sky for a few more seconds before turning away, holding the piece of parchment tightly in her grasp as she exited the Owlery.


She quickly motioned through the castle, she held her head low, not wanting to catch all the dirty glares that was given by the students passing by.

She could hear soft murmurs but she really couldn't care less at this point as she speed walked down the corridors and up the Ravenclaw tower, just then, she heard a familiar voice.

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