Chapter 26

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"Cheer up, Har. You've been looking glum all night." Y/N frowned as she and Harry walked side by side, letting the cold breeze hit them as they were now walking around the courtyard, the music from the Great Hall could be heard in the distance.

"I'm fine," Harry responded lowly, earning a scoff from the Ravenclaw, glancing at the raven-haired boy unbelievably as they stood against the walls, looking out to the horseless carriages in the distance, "I'd have to be blind to believe that you're being honest. Har, I get that you're jealous and upset but, you know, some things in life, you can have and some things you can't."

"You'll find someone in the future, maybe someone better." Y/N comforted, earning a weak smile from the raven-haired boy as the Ravenclaw chuckled and swung her arm around his shoulder, "Well, if this cheers you up, Potter. I'll willingly be your rebound."  she joked in attempt to enlighten the mood as she earned a chuckle from the raven-haired boy in response, "I'll pass on that, but thanks, Y/N/N."

"Anytime, Har." Y/N beamed, though it soon faltered as a faint voice could be heard, a voice of whom she nor Harry liked.

"I told you before, Igor. I see no reason to discuss it, Lumos!"

Instantly, Y/N and Harry froze, eyes widening as Snape and Karkaroff walked into view, Snape sprayed his wand onto the backseat of the carriage with his wand's light, a couple were now caught snogging each other, to Y/N  it was no surprise that Snape didn't seem too happy about it.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff, Pawcett! And the same for Ravenclaw, Stebbins!" Snape scolded as the two of them fled away. However, Snape and Karkaroff continued to walk on, Y/N felt a tug to her wrist as she was now hiding behind a stone gargoyle with Harry, listening intently.

"It's a sign, Severus! You can't pretend this isn't happening!" Karkaroff warned, though Snape was left unamused, "I don't have to pretend, Igor. Can you say the same?"

Y/N peered her head out just slightly, so she could make out the scene that was going on, though it seemed their conversation has ended as she watched Karkaroff turned and storm away from Snape, watching as he headed back toward the light of the castle.

"Karkaroff's gone." she told in a hushed tone as Harry glanced around before nodding towards the empty corridor, Y/N got the signal as the two quickly motioned towards it, letting out a sigh of relief for not being caught.

Though as Y/N glanced around she noticed a glint of blue light on the far side of the courtyard, squinting her eyes slightly to get a better view, quirking her eyebrows at the sight, it was Moody, whose eye was shimmering in its socket, apparently he was watching too.

"That's what you think, it is?!"

Instantly, Y/N wheeled around towards the sound, immediately recognizing it as she exchanged a knowing glance with Harry, "They're at it again."

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