Chapter 17

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Y/N was sat on a bench with her group of friends, they all were indulge in each other's conversations though the Ravenclaw looked a little glum.

Hermione and Ron weren't sitting with the group, they were sitting on the ground beside the tree with Ginny, in their own conversation as the Ravenclaw watched, she's starting to get use to not having them around.

At this point, she's really done trying to explain herself, if Hermione doesn't want to listen or try to fix their relationship, so be it. She's got better things to worry about right now, especially with the thought that once again her and Harry are being hunted down.

Just then, Neville appeared, he approached the group of friends with a book in his hold, though he held the same awestruck expression everytime he'd see Y/N, "Ama-zing..."

"Neville, you're doing it again." Y/N grumbled, causing Neville to snap out of his trance as an apologetic expression spreaded across his face, "Oh, right..Sorry."

"Oh give him a break, Y/N..At least he admires you." Caleb mused, earning an unamused glare from the Ravenclaw as he shot his hands up defensively and shrugged, "It's better than all the dirty looks everybody else is giving you."

The Ravenclaw rolled her eyes and slumped deeper into her seat, "That..sadly, is true."she sighed before shifting her gaze to see Neville buried in a book.

Curiously, she tilted her head slightly and scanned the front page, "Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean?"

Neville noticed the girl's curious look as his smile widened and nodded, "Moody gave it to me." he told, "You know, that day we had tea."

The Ravenclaw nodded, "That's nice of him.." she hummed, earning a wide grin from the boy as he went back to his book.

She shifted her gaze up to the sky, watching a few birds soar through the beautiful blue sky, the slowly moving clouds, she wondered, what it's like up there? Though, she was too in her thoughts to notice the sound of footsteps approaching her.

Instead, the sound of someone clearing their throat seemed to catch her attention as shifted her gaze to the person infront of her, instantly her face fell emotionless as she noticed who it was.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvarti that Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione monotone, earning a quizzical look from the Ravenclaw.

"What?" she questioned bluntly, "Pavarti told Dean to tell Ronald-" Hermione stopped herself as she shook her head irritatedly, "Oh don't make me repeat it-"

"I didn't." Y/N interjected coldly as she crossed her arms, noticing the bushy-haired girls eyebrows furrowing slightly together before shaking her head slightly once more, averting her gaze from the Ravenclaw as she looked down to her feet.

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