Chapter 11

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Y/N sat beside the bushy-haired girl, Harry sat on her other side. Caleb, Ron and Aidan sat behind while Lizzy sat on Hermione's other side.

All of them watched people submitting their names into the Goblet, cheers would emerge from time to time for every successful attempt.

Hermione however, was unimpressed more focused on the book in her hands, a copy of Triwizard Tragedies, "People have gotten splinched in this Tournament! More than once!" she gasped unbelievably.

The Ravenclaw furrowed her eyebrows together as she leaned closer towards the bushy-haired girl, scanning through the texts of her book before raising both of her eyebrows impressively, "That must hurt, a ton."

Just then, the Hall's doors bursted open, revealing a group of Hufflepuff boy's all laughing loudly, each of them pushing Cedric playfully as he held a piece of parchment in his hands.

Finally, he stood before the age line surrounding the Goblet, he took a deep breath and glanced over to the crowd of people around him.

He noticed the Ravenclaw amongst the crowd as he shot her a smile, to which she reciprocated, 'Do it.' she mouthed in encouragement.

Cedric smile widened to a grin, he nodded to the girl's words before turning back to the Goblet, taking one last deep breath before he stepped in. The Crowd of students cheered, mostly from the group of Hufflepuff boys as the brunette boy successfully dropped his name into the Goblet.

Then, he turned back to his friends and took one finally glance to the Ravenclaw to flash her an appreciative smile before exiting the Hall.

"Eternal glory. Be brilliant, wouldn't it?" Ron mentioned in a dreamy tone, "Three years from now, when we're old enough, to be chosen.."

"Wicked I tell you, if we were to be chosen, imagine everything you've ever wanted, fame, money, glory, everything in your grasp." Caleb affirmed, Ron hummed in agreement as both of them drift off to their daydream of a fantasy world.

The Ravenclaw scoffed as she shook her head, "Yeah, so brilliant, until you hit the realization that you'll most likely die before you could even hold a single galleon."

Lizzy and Hermione both nodded in agreement, the bushy-haired girl shut her book and glanced up to the two boy's behind her, "You'd be out of your minds to want to participate, you need the skills, it's all advanced magic." she pointed out, though the boy's seemed to brush Hermione;s remarks off.

"Weren't you listening? Dumbledore and the judges made sure that there won't be any deaths this time, I don't know about you but his the greatest wizard of all time we're talking about." Ron retorted, earning a scowled expression from Hermione as she turned back to the Goblet, letting out a huff as she dug back into her book.

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