Hay guys! This is my first story so I hope you like it!
Disclamer: I do not own PJO, HoO, or HP
Percy P.O.V
I was siting by the lake with Annabeth, watching the sun go down over the water. Annabeth and I have spent the whole day together before camp ended, and we have to go home. We were talking about the things we did when Conner Stoll rudely interupted us.
"Hay love birds! Chiron wanted you two at the Big House immediately." Conner called.
"Okay! Be right there!" Annabeth called back.
I wondered what this meeting will be about? Annabeth and I raced up the hill, into the house, and into the rec/meeting room. Chiron was standing at the head of the table, Thalia was sitting to the right of him, as Nico was in the corner hidden by the shadows.
"What do you need Chiron?" I asked him.
Chiron looked uncomfortable as he asked "What do you know about Wizards?"
We all looked at each other with confusing glances until Nico piped up "They wear pointy hats and can do magic and stuff right?"
"Sort of." Chiron said. "Long ago, Lady Hectate blessed some mortals with the power to do magic. Those mortals kept breeding so now there is a whole wizard community out there."
"Wow." Annabeth said. "Why don't we know about them?"
"The wizards are mostaly located in Great Britain, though they have spread throughout the world, and Lady Hectate wanted to send you four to their school to learn their ways and report back durring Christmas. The school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Chiron explained.
Every one (exept Nico who was only smirking) cracked up when they herd the name Hogwarts.
"It's like calling our camp Camp Pigfarts." Thalia laughed.
"Children silent." Chiron ordered. "You will be going there under cover as American exchange students from Hectate's School of Magic. You will learn as much as you can while you are there. You will be leaving at 8:00 tomorrow morning."
I growned at that statement. I am not an early riser.
"Chiron, how will we be able to do magic?" Annabeth asked.
"Hectate has blessed you with magic." Chiron answered. "Now go pack and sleep see you tomarrow."
Annabeth and I raced echother to the cabins.
"See you in the morning Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said, as she kissed me goodnight.
"Night Wise Girl." I said back, and raced off to my cabin for the big day tomorrow.
The next morning, the alarm woke me up at 7:00 a.m. Way too early in my opinion. I started to throw the things I needed into my suitcase and tried to shut it. It wouldn't shut! I heard laughing from the doorway and saw Annabeth standing there."Hay Wise girl! Can you help me close this?" I asked her.
"Seaweed Brain!" She said still laughing. "You need to fold the cloths." She walked over, dumped out my suitcase, folded the cloths, put them in, and neatly closed and handed me the suitcase.
"Ready!" I said. She laughed again and we ran to Half-Blood Hill. Chiron, Thalia, and Nico were already there.
"Ok, now that we are all here, I have some more things to tell you." Chiron said. "One, you have to keep undercover. You are American exchange students from Hectate's School for the Magically Talented. Second, befriend as many wizards as you can. Third, you will leave for Hogwarts at 11:00 at platform 9 3/4 on September 1. Lastly, you will get your supplies in Diagon Ally. The entrance and where you are staying is the Leaky Cauldron. Good luck."
And with that, Nico shadow traveled us to the Leaky Cauldron.
------------Thanks for supporting me in my first story! I hope you like it so far! If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments. Love you all!
- books_owls_song

Your World (a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover)
FanfictionWhat happens if Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts? And the golden trio go back for one more year at Hogwarts? Then what happens if the Wizards go to Camp? Takes place after the Deathly Hallows and the Blood of Olympus. Disclaimer: All...