Hermione POV
I'm the one screaming. There is a monster in my face! A very tall, very large one eyed man who has no hair and eeeewwwww! Is that mold growing between his toes.
"S-stupify!" I squeak. Nothing happens. I gather more confidence and yell again,
"STUPIFY!" A beam of red light comes out of my wand and hits the monster right in the chest. He flys backwards and hits his head on a tree. The crack jerks Ron awake from on the ground next to me.
"Whada happen?" He asked groggily.
"We're in the demigod camp, which happens to be under attack." Harry replies.
"Bloody hell!" Ron says and jumps up. "Why was I asleep?"
"The jump drained all of us." I replied. We stand in a circle, me and Ron with wands and Harry with a sword.
"We can't just sit around and wait to become monster chow." I say. The boys nod.
"Take action?" Harry asks, putting his hand in the middle. I place my hand on top of his.
"Take action."
"Take action." Rob finishes without a hesitation. We run in the direction we saw Percy run earlier. All there was for a while was woods. We cross a small stream and come across a small clearing.
"ROOAAAARRRRR!" A gigantic dog pounces out of the trees. It has black fur and red eyes. We all scream and ready ourselves. We hear three more growls and find ourselves surrounded by the monsters.
"Find a dog and take it." Harry mutters. "Good luck. GO!"
We jump into battle, throwing ineffective spells and just trying to keep alive. Harry's the only one doing any damage. He swings the sword and his dog gets injured. Harry swings the sword towards the heart of the dog and it explodes into golden dust. There's no hope.
That's when we hear a roar. Another dog jumps into the clearing and swats at one of the other dogs. The dog explodes to dust and the new dog swipes at the another. After all the dogs are gone, the new one turns onto us.
"DOWN GIRL!" A familiar voice says. "MRS. OLEARY, DOWN."
Percy comes running into the clearing. "Sorry about her. She's a bit playful."
"You have a pet demon dog?" Ron says.
"Yep! She's a hellhound and a great one too. What are you guys doing here?" He asked.
"We want to help." Harry says. Percy nods and pulls out two knifes.
"Keep these on you. They might be useful." He says, handing them to Ron and I.
"Wait, your not gonna convince us not to fight?" I ask.
"Nope. You are totally capable of fending for yourselves. You've fought a war before. This is your decision." He replies. "Be careful though. Greek monsters are dangerous."
With that he runs out of the clearing and back into the woods.
Hello! I'm (trying to) updating again!
I've just got my High School Registration forms (yay!) and now am just procrastinating from High School.
Hope you guys liked this, a bit more lengthy.
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Your World (a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover)
FanfictionWhat happens if Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts? And the golden trio go back for one more year at Hogwarts? Then what happens if the Wizards go to Camp? Takes place after the Deathly Hallows and the Blood of Olympus. Disclaimer: All...