Lunch Catastrophy

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Hermione POV
We walked down to lunch, Annabeth whispering some thing to Percy. I was really curious, because she must have grabbed some book from the restricted section. I mentioned to Ron and he just looked blankly at me. I gestured again and he looked at me.

"Is there a fly?" He asked me.

"No!" I said frustrated.  "Can I have the extendable ear?"
Ron gave me the ear and ran to catch up with Harry. I slowly rolled the ear towards the couple, and put the other end to my ear.

"...Θα διαβάσετε περισσότερα αργότερα." Annabeth finished in a foreign language. Greek I think. I studied a bit of Greek in ancient ruins and if my translations are correct I think that it loosely translates to read later. I have no idea what she is reading, but I don't think it's for studying. Percy and Annabeth didn't say much interesting after that, so I returned the extendable ear to my bag.

We walked into the lunch room and sat down at the end of the Gryffindor table. I grabbed a salad and started to talk to Annabeth.

"So, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" I asked.

"Hogwarts is amazing!" Annabeth said and started to ramble about the architectural support and how interesting all the classes are. I listened closely, trying to catch anything abnormal in her words.

"So..." I said after she finished rambling. "Can you tell me more about America?"
Annabeth opened her mouth, but she didn't have the chance to speak, because a handful of spaghetti came flying past our heads and smacked onto a Slytherin's head. Everyone fell silent and we looked over to see Percy with another handful, looking dreadfully at the Slytherin.

Percy didn't get to finish before a deviled egg splatted him in the face.

"Take cover. Take cover now." Annabeth said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Do you want to be covered in food?"
Annabeth and I ducked under the table as a full fledged food fight raged out. Food was flying all over the place.

"Don't worry it will be over soon!" Annabeth called to me over the noise. Than it became quiet. I herd footsteps and peeked out from under the table. The great hall was a mess. Food was everywhere except for on the few lucky people that ducked under the tables. Everyone had their wands out except for Percy, who somehow found a sword to use as a bat. And there was McGonagle walking down the center isle. Everyone was staring at her.

"Who started this?" She asked. Then everyone silently pointed to Percy.

It's Friday! Hello! I had the brilliant idea of a food fight, and here it is! I am exhausted with school and I am going to a weekend camp tomorrow.


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P.S. Look at the picture to cry of have major feels.

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