Diagon Alley Part 2

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Thalia's POV

"Books" Annabeth said. We all groaned. Only Annabeth likes to read.  We walked over to a store called Florish and Blotts (that's what I think it said. I don't know I'm dyslexic) and walked in the door. It was a smallish shop with bookshelfs all over the place. A clerk walked up to us and said, "Can I help you?"

"Yes. Do you have these books in Greek?" Annabeth asked while showing him the list.

"In fact, we do!" The clerk said. "But why Greek?"

"Our families are from Greece and we can fluently read and speak in Greek." I said. Man I wanted to use that story forever.

"Okay." said the clerk and showed us to the books. After we got our books we got ingredients for potions and some quills. I looked at my list and the last two things on the list were: 1) A wand, and 2) A pet. Percy and I wanted to get the pet first while Nico and Annabeth warned to get the wands. Eventually Percy gave his big puppy dog eyes and Annabeth gave in. We walked into the pet store and started to look around. I found a cool looking dark brown owl with white spots who seemed to really like me. I decided to get the owl and I named her Stella which is star in Latin. Percy walked out of the store with a brown owl who's feathers looks like the waves.

"He was the only one who didn't attack me." Percy said. "I will name him Bob after Bob the titan." Next Nico walked out with a midnight black owl who's name was also Midnight. After about another five minutes (which felt like 5 hours) Annabeth walked out with a snowy owl named Minerva after her moms Roman name. We finally walked over to the store called livOnadre's wand shop. Or was it Olivander's? Oh whatever. Into Olivander's (LivOnadre's) we go!
Hi everyone! I will try to be updating every week at least once now. I just finished reading the Crown of Ptolemy! Have any of you read it yet? I am so excited for Mangus Chase and the Sword of Summer! There is a preview in the back of CoP. Love you all!

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