Harry's POV
I lead the exchange students towards the Whomping Willow and stopped a good 10 feet from the whipping branches of the tree."You see that knot like branch at the bottom?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "We need to press it to make this tree freeze to get to the quiet spot."
Percy waved his hand, and (without ANY WAND) water surrounded the bottom branches and pressed the knot. The willow froze in place and Hermione, Ron, and I stared at Percy.
"What?" He asked. I gestured at his hands. "Oh yeah... Part of the explanation."
We all picked our way through the branches and shimmied down the tunnel. I shivered, remembering the last time I was down here, spying on Voldemort.We crawled through the tunnel in silence until we got to the shrieking shack. When we all got out of the tunnel, Hermione turned on the exchange students.
"Tell." She said, crossing her arms. Annabeth sighed.
"How much do you know about Greek Mythology?" Annabeth asked. Ron and I shared confused looks, but Hermione just sighed.
"I do. Of course I do. Who doesn't?" I raised my hand. Hermione glared at me.
"Well, all of it is still alive today." Annabeth said.
"Of course it was. We wouldn't have centaurs, or unicorns if it wasn't." Hermione exclaimed.
"But it's still alive today, and Percy, Thalia, Nico, and I are all demigods." Annabeth explained. Hermione gasped.
"Of who?" She asked.
"Hades." Hermione gasped again.
"I'm in the room with 3 of the big three children and a daughter of Athena!" She squealed. I was still confused. What are demigods?
"What are demigods?" Ron asked.
"Half gods, half humans." Percy said. I nodded.
I guess the exchange students are more powerful than we think.
Two updates in a day! Yay!I have nothing to say so I'm going to tell you all 10 facts about me.
Here goes nothing!
1. I chose my username (books_owls_song) off of my 3 favorite things, books, owls, and music/singing.
2. I love the snow and I call myself a penguin because I love snow so much.
3. I share initials with Annabeth Chase (AC).
4. I was born on December 24, so I am a Christmas baby!
5. I am a girl.
6. My favorite color used to be pink, but it started changing to blue after I read Harry Potter and changed fully to blue after I read Percy Jackson.
7. I love love love love love Dark Chocolate.
8. I have moved 4 times in my life.
9. I live in the USA in a state that starts with the letter C (You have to guess which one!).
10. I have one younger brother who shares initials with Magnus Chase (MC).So there you have it folks!!! Now... according to my writing, how old do you think I am?
Correct guesser gets a cookie!
Hint: I am in the advanced classes at my school, so I may be younger than you think!!
Vote and comment!!

Your World (a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover)
FanficWhat happens if Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts? And the golden trio go back for one more year at Hogwarts? Then what happens if the Wizards go to Camp? Takes place after the Deathly Hallows and the Blood of Olympus. Disclaimer: All...