The Big Library

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Annabeth's POV
I closed my eyes as Hermione led me into the library. She stopped me and said,

"Now, open." I opened my eyes and found myself looking at shelves upon shelves of books. I smiled widely and whisper squealed. I ran around looking for Greek books. I ran into one section that was on all dragons and another that has books about magical history. I kept running until I got to a roped off area. Hermione ran up behind me, panting.

"Ok." She said, catching her breath. "No more running. One, I can't keep up, and two, Madam Prince usually doesn't let us run. What are you looking at?"

I kept looking at the roped off area.

"What's in there?" I asked.

"That?" Hermione asked pointing at the area. I nodded. "That's the restricted section. You need a note signed by a teacher to get books from there."
I grinned. I bet some good books are in there.

"I'm going in." I said taking out my cap.

"No you're not." Hermione said. "And what's with the hat?"
I smiled and put it on my head. She gasped. I grabbed her hand so she knew where I was.

"See you soon." I opened the gate and silently closed it again. "Go find the boys and get started with homework."

I walked over to the first shelf and looked at the books. The first one said, 50 Dangerous Potions and How to Brew them. I shuddered. This place is dark. I kept looking at the books until I found a fairly new book. The books title was written in Ancient Greek and said, Modern Day Greek Mythology. When I flipped to the first page, it started to explain some stuff about the camps and the wars. My name along with Percy's, Thalia's, and Nico's names were mentioned many times. I looked around to make sure that no one was around, and took off my hat and put the book in my bag. I don't want anyone finding out about us. I took off my hat and snuck out. As I took off my hat and tucked it into my bag, I herd footsteps around the corner. I took a couple books off the shop and tried to look as casual as I could. The librarian came around the corner and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" She barked.

"Collecting books to write a essay about... The morks of Wuggles." I said glancing at the books.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked me. Stupid dyslexia!

"Sorry. Dyslexia. The works of muggles." I correct myself.

"We'll get going!" She said. I scurried off and found the group at a big table and sat down next to Percy.

"Are you actually breaking the rules?" He asked me in a whisper.

"Yup." I said. "But for books."
Percy smiled and looked down at the book, trying to read it. I shoved the books I accidentally grabbed aside and took out the Greek book. I put it under the table so the Wizards couldn't see it and flipped to the first page.

Hello cupcakes! No I am not trying to be Coach. I just got back from my cousin's Percy Jackson b-day party/sleepover. I now have a blow up sword, a shield, and a CHB t-shirt. Any way... Here's an update! Go check out my new Mortals meet Demigods book. Vote and Comment!


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