Gods and Traveling

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Hermione's POV

I'm packing my bags to go to a DEMIGOD camp. I don't know how to handle this, I am so excited! I finally get to meet people who know about supernatural forces that somehow control the universe. Even better, the people are their children. So many people would KILL to have this opportunity.

I would kill to have this opportunity. Luckily I didn't have to kill. The man in the Hawaiian shirt who said our names wrong was now sitting in an armchair when I came back down with my stuff. The whole common room was still huddled beside the walls.

"Am I the first one back down?" I asked.

"Yup." The man said, sipping his Diet Coke. "You must be pretty excited. Not a thing that usually happens when people come to Camp. Usually terrified screaming and 'I wanna get home!', then the poor little camp leaders have to tell them that they have to stay forever and then I just sit there and laugh. That's the only good part of this job." I look at him terrified.

"Who are you?" I ask. Putting my stuff down.

"Dionysus, the god of wine. Currently on restriction for trying to get a nymph." He says like someone would tell you the time. I have to restrain myself from collapsing to the ground.

"So you are a major god?" I ask.

"On restriction." He says. Just then, Annabeth and Percy come down the stairs at the same time.

"Mr. D, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked, putting down her stuff next to mine.

"Just some monsters attacking the camp all at the same time. If you can hurry up, that would be great." He says calmly.

"OH GODS." Annabeth screams, running back up the stairs. "Percy get Harry, Ron, and Nico to hurry up!"

Percy ran back up the stairs and almost head butted Nico.

"Get to camp and help them. Monster attack!" He says to Nico. Nico nodded and melted into the shadows.

Harry and Ron came tumbling down the stairs after that as well as Annabeth, dragging Thalia behind her.

"Mr. D, we gotta go!" Annabeth said. Dionysus pointed to the luggage and it disappeared. Then he pointed at us, and everything went black before it felt like we were being sucked through dimensions. When everything came into view again, the first thing I heard were battle cries and screams.

Tis me.
Anyway, another update! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! My birthday is in 14 days! Yay!

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