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Harry POV

I am being sucked into a dark tunnel of death. Or at least that's what it feels like traveling across 4,000 miles of empty space with a god. It's way worse than apparition.

When the world comes into color again, the first thing I see is not the castle we just left, but a forest of tall pine trees that has a misty morning feel. Then I hear screams. The demigods immediately get into a battle stance with some deadly looking weapons in their hands that they seemed to pull from nowhere. Dionysus, the god, swayed for a bit before saying,

"Well, you're here and I'm gonna go. Good luck." He hiccuped and disappeared into thin air. Annabeth yelled something in Greek that I'm pretty sure was a swear word and threw her knife at a tree. Something invisible in front of the tree exploded into an fine golden dust.

I look around, still dizzy, and see Hermione trying to stand and help as best as she can, and Ron just lying on the ground, paler then normal. I pull out my wand and try to stay balanced as the world stared to spin faster then before.

"Harry! Sit down. I always forget that mortals get dizzy after travel." Percy says to Thalia who came over to help. I sit down as Percy splashes some water on my face, hands me the bottle of water, and gives me a sword.

"You know how to use one of these?" I nod. "Great! You're on defense. I gotta go help." That's when I notice that Nico and Annabeth have disappeared and Thalia's fighting some sort of monster a couple meters away. Percy runs away to help Thalia as I take a sip of water. The dizziness is going away, but I'm not in a ready mood to fight. Ron has passed out on the ground next to me, and Hermione has her eyes closed and is sitting as still as she can.

I sigh and ready the sword, waiting in anticipation for any sign of danger. Everything is too quiet. Then, I hear a scream.

Sorry this is crappy, I'm really tired and I KNOW I NEED TO UPDATE MORE I'M SORRY.
I just got back from All State Choir (yay!) and am so exhausted.

So, how have your lives been? I came onto Wattpad for the first time in 3 months and had 1k notifications to go through (super fun. *sarcasm*). Christmas has come and gone. New Year has come and gone. Happy 2k17. Have I covered everything? I think so.

Anyway... I GOT A TUMBLR AS WELL. It is books_owls_song. Woo. Never post on there either. If you want rants about Sherlock go check it out. I'm in a Sherlock phase right now (new season is 👌🏻, but that's not the point. Go check out my random book if you want opinions on all fandoms.)

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