Breakout 02

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Akiri casually walked around the prison like she owned the place. She would beat up the guards she crossed who were doing their patrols before they could send word that she escaped her cell. 'Hn. Time to find information on my target and this prison.'

As Akiri walked around the hallways, her footsteps didn't make a single sound thanks to her training as an assassin. Turning corners, knocking guards unconscious, recording her tracks - she kept moving around the prison, mapping it out, looking for some type of clue onto where to find her target. Stopping in front of a door, Akiri blankly looked at it, opening the door, she walked in and then closed it behind her, locking it. 'The guard's room... perfect.'

Her search then began as she started to open drawers and cabinets, reading the files of inmates and about the different prisons. 'Hn... not here... There is no information on my target here, is he in a different prison?' Akiri sighed, fixing the files and placing them back to where they were before. She didn't want to leave the office a mess and get caught, leaving tracks behind pointing back to her. She did make sure to avoid all the cameras which was somewhat difficult, so she didn't want to get caught from breaking into the guard's room.

"Meow." Akiri blinked, all her movements stopping. Glancing to her side she saw a black cat with green eyes, there was a scar over it's left eye and the cat wore a guards hat. "Meow."

Slowly, Akiri locked the cabinets she looked through and strutted towards the cat. Bending down to be on eye level with the cat, she put a finger to her lips. "Shh, small animal, you didn't see anything." The cat looked at her before giving a nod, making the girl give a very unnoticeable small smile. She gently caressed his cheek. "Hn. Small animal, want to come with me?"

Nodding again, Akiri picked up the cat and delicately held him in her arms. Unlocking the door, she sneakily walked out of the guard's room. Tracing her steps back, she continued to sneak back to her cell before anyone noticed she was missing and before she could get caught. Get caught, not like that could happen, she was Hibari-Fucking-Akiri, a widely feared woman in the mafia world.

"Meow!" the cat meowed out and Akiri looked down at the black bundle of fur in her arms.

"What is it, small animal?" she asked, not caring if she was talking to an actual cat that could not respond to her.

Akiri watched as the cat looked over to the hallway on her left. Akiri's eyes narrowed as she heard the sound of rushed footsteps coming from that direction towards her. 'Hn... ten footsteps... Five people rushing this way.' Akiri looked back down at the cat. "Hn. Good job small animal," she praised, petting his fur, getting a pur in response. "Small animal, I will call you Hicat." The cat, now dubbed as Hicat, purred in acceptance of the name.

"AH!" four voices blurted in shock. Akiri looked to see the four idiots - Uno, Rock, Jyugo, and Nico - running towards her. "Run away Miss!"

Behind the four running fools, was a long, black haired male wearing the guards uniform, laughing in delight. Over his shoulder was a purple shinari bukuro which he was carrying. Akiri noticed that he was tall, really tall, probably standing at 6'6, he also seemed to have well defined muscles despite looking lean. "Gentleman come train with me!"

"No way!" The four shouted and ran past Akiri.

Well that was what was supposed to happen, however, Jyugo had grabbed Akiri's wrist, dragging her with them. Akiri adjusted Hicat with her one hand to keep him balanced and secure in her grasp, holding the cat against her chest.

"Muroko-Ripoff-Dotard," Akiri grunted out, continuing to run with them as Jyugo held her wrist. "Why did you drag me too?"

"Muro- what? The names Jyugo!" Jyugo replied, taking a sharp turn with Akiri in tow, following the others who were running in front of them. "If you got caught by Yamato then he would have dragged you into his intense training!"

Her eyes gleamed in excitement. "Training?" She would like to train and have a spar with someone strong.

"More like extreme torture!" Rock shouted with a face of distress.

They then stopped running once they made it to a fork in the hall, they looked at both directions. Jyugo let go of Akiri's wrist and she once again adjusted Hitcat in her arms for a more comfortable position. They didn't even seem to notice the cat in her arms as they were more focused on escaping Yamoto's training.

"Which way should we go Uno?" Nico asked and Uno closed his eyes for a moment before dashing to the right side.

"This way!" Uno answered and the others followed him. Akiri, who was wondering why she was getting dragged along with these dotards, sighed. She had no choice to follow them now as she was a part of this chase, she was mentally mapping these hallways now.

Akiri ran, jogging besides Rock and Nico, Jyugo behind the three of them while Uno was leading the pack. "Neh, what's your name miss?!" Nico asked from beside her and Akiri looked over at him. The others were also curious as they never got her name since she knocked Uno out and they ran away, afraid. Uno thankfully woke up ten minutes later due to Jyugo slapping him awake.

"Hn, Hibari Akiri."

"Aki-chan then!" the greenette chirped out happily. Akiri was slightly shocked as the only ones who would use her first name yet alone a nickname were Varia, Muruko, and that marshmallow freak, Byakuran. Now a total stranger, a prisoner no less, was calling her Aki-chan on the day of meeting her. "Next to me is Rock! Behind you is Jyugo and that's Uno!"

"Hn. Muruko-Ripoff-Dotard." She looked towards Jyugo. "Food-Dotard." Then she looked at Rock. "Flirting-Dotard." After that she looked at Uno. "Green-Dotard." And then finally Nico.

"Muruko-Ripoff-Dotard?" Jyugo looked weirded out.

"Food-Dotard???" Rock was completely confused.

"Flirting-Dotard?!" Uno seemed offended.

"Green-Dotard?" Nico just cutely tilted his head.

Akiri looked forward and blinked when she saw someone, speaking up, "Hn. Dotards, Bald-Dotard is in front of us."

"Bald-Dotard...? HUH?!" the realization kicked in and the four whipped their heads, looking ahead to see their greatest fear, Hajime. "H-HAJIME!" They came to a stop, nervously looking at the guard in front of them who was standing in the middle of the hallway. He cracked his knuckles and started to slowly walk towards them. They all gulped, excluding Akiri who was excited to fight him.

"You guys, running around thinking you will escape and cause me more trouble? And you dragged #0 to join your jailbreaking..." Hajime shook with anger as he glared at them. "Is it that hard to STAY IN YOUR CELLS!"

"AHHHH WE'RE SORRY!" the four shouted and prepared to get their asses kicked.

"Muruko-Ripoff-Dotard, hold Hicat," Akiri suddenly spoke up and handed the cat into Jyugo's arms. Everyone blinked and Hajime raised a brow when Akiri walked in front of the four, getting into a fighting position.

"Kuu?!" the cat meowed. 

"O-Oi are you seriously going to fight Hajime?" Jyugo nervously asked, shaking.

"She's going to die!" Rock and Nico exclaimed.

"Akiri-chan don't fight him! Hajime that gorilla won't hold back even if you're a girl!" Uno shouted, pointing at the guard.

An irk mark appeared on Hajime's head. "Who are you calling a gorilla?" He then looked at Akiri. "#0 stand down."

"Hn. You dotards don't get to call me Akiri." She sent a small glare over her shoulder to them. "A Hibari is strong, I won't lose against Bald-Dotard." She was slightly pissed at how they thought she was weak, adding to her already pent up anger of being sent on this mission. Fighting and beating up Hajime would be the best way for her anger to reside.

She then looked back at Hajime who was getting closer, the air around them seemed to change as Akiri let a bloodthirsty smirk appear on her face, making the four inmates gulp and Hajime narrowed his eyes.

"I'll beat you to death!"

A/N : Hajime vs Akiri - both have otherworldly strength. 

Who do you think will win?

Question! Who is your favorite guardian from the Vongola family? For me it's a tie between Muroko and Hibari 

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