Well that was a mistake

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"So you mean to tell me that the guy Killer knocked out is your soulmate?" Asked Nightmare. Horror nodded sheepishly.

Every monster had a soulmate, a person that they could love forever. Most people would hope to find their soulmate some day and marry them, but to Nightmare this was a threat. Soulmates had two things. One was that they both had animal characteristics from the same animal that could be contained or hidden but required a lot of magic and power. If you touch your soulmate your animal parts can't be hidden and will immediately show up. The second thing was that they could talk to their soulmates in their head.

Soulmates were destined to love each other and would often try and find each other as soon as possible because after they saw each other, and didn't act on their feelings their soul started to hurt.

Nightmares gang though never tried to look for their soulmates. Nightmare said it would be a waste of time and would only make things worse. So the fact that Horror said that he had seen his soul mate gave him a whole load or emotions.

"Well what do we do now?" Asked Dust, breaking the silence.

"To be honest with you guys, I don't know. I mean it's not like you can just ignore this. Eventually both your souls will start hurting"said Nightmare.

"But he's in a rival gang"said Error.

Nightmare took this into account. "Uhhh. Why did this have to happen? Well I guess you're just gonna have to bear the pain. I'm sorry Horror but you can't get close to him, it will only cause more problems" finished Nightmare.

"But-" Horror started. "No 'buts' Horror I can't have more people to take care of and if you get attached I'll have to" said Nightmare frustratedly.

Horror was about to say something but decided against it and just stormed of to his room. "Now does anyone else have something to tell me?" he asked. No one said anything. "Then leave I have a lot to think about" Nightmare snapped. Everyone left the living room not wanting to piss Nightmare off. He was going to go back to reading his book, but a voice interrupted him.

'Are you okay?' Asked the voice in Nightmares head.

'Yeah why?' Answered Nightmare in his mind.

'I've been trying to call you for like the past twenty minutes' said the voice with an annoyed tone.

Whenever a person was trying to talk to their soulmate, but their other half was talking to someone else then their voice would be silenced and the other person wouldn't hear them.

'Opps sorry I was doing something' said Nightmare.

'Yeah I noticed' said the voice with a chuckle.

Nightmare laughed a little too. Then they went silent.

'I think we both know what we need to talk about so why don't we just say it at the same time?' Offered the voice.

'Yeah okay' said Nightmare in agreement.

'One' said the voice. 'Two' said Nightmare. 'Three' said the voice at last.

'I saw you today' they said in unison.

'This is bad, Cross. One of my teammates already saw one of yours that is his soulmate' explained Nightmare.

'I know I never meant for this to happen, and I'm pretty sure all of our teammates are each others soulmates. Most of them saw each other' said Cross.

'Well what are we supposed to do now?' Asked Nightmare.

'I don't we could just ignore it, but I'm pretty sure they would start to experience the pain' said Cross.

'Well we could try I guess' said Nightmare.

'Yeah I guess we could' said Cross.

'Well then it's settled, we pretend nothing is wrong for as long as we can, and once it starts we'll talk again' said Nightmare.

'Okay good idea' said Cross. 'Well I'm gonna go to sleep. Good night I love you Nightmare' said Cross.

'Good Night, I love you too' said Nightmare.

Everything went quiet again and Nightmare was left alone with his thoughts. 'Why did he have to go to the grocery store today?' He thought to himself.

'Well that was a mistake'

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