Finally met

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"Hey Lust" Horror said nervously.

Lust slowly went up and put his arms around Horror. Once he felt his dog ears and tail sprout he started crying.

"Hi Horror" he said happily tears still going down his cheeks. He quickly dried them off. Horror furrowed his brow.

"Don't worry it's happy tears" Lust said.

"I-I was really sad when you said that we wouldn't get to see each other so I'm happy we finally did" said Lust.

Horror nodded. "So what do you think we should do?" He asked with a concerned face.

Lust thought for a moment. "Well I was hoping we could choose the second option" said Lust with a sheepish smile.

Horror was filled with happiness. "I would love that" he said. Both of their smiles got wider, if that was even possible, and they hugged again.

Ink tried to hug Error, but he backed away. Ink frowned.

"Sorry I just don't really like physical contact" Error said.

"Can I at least hold you hand?" Ink asked.

Error was hesitant. "Maybe if you do it slowly?" Said Error in more of a question.

Ink nodded. He slowly got closer to Error. Error stayed still. Then he slowly and calmly took his hand out and reached for Error's. Once they were touching Error glitched a little bit for the most part he was fine.

They both smiled. Error was happy that at least Ink could touch him. Ink was also happy he could touch Error, even if it was just his hand.

They both sprouted butterfly wings. Error's were black and red with blue and yellow accents. Ink's were brown with rainbow colors as his accents. Both of there antennas were black.

"So? We have to make a decision" said Error.

Ink nodded. "We know we can protect each other right?" Asked Ink.

"Yeah right?" Said Error.

"And if it gets worst well at least we will be together right?" Asked Ink. Error nodded. "So we will choose the second option?" Asked Ink.

Error nodded. Ink smiled. He wanted to hug Error, but respected his space for now
"Ohhh come on" said Reaper in a teasing voice.

"No" said Geno. He was currently trying to stop Reaper from touching him.

"Please? I just want to see your ears kitty~" Reaper purred.

Geno blushed. Reaper finally tackled him to the floor with a hug.

They both started to sprout cat ears and tails. Only difference was Geno's were white and Reapers were black.

"Awww you have white ears. You look like an angel my kitty~" he purred.

Geno blushed. "Uhhh get off" he said attempting to get Reaper off of him, but it didn't work.

"Hmmm I kinda like this spot, I also need an answer from that question Nightmare asked earlier" said Reaper.

Geno finally managed to push him off. "Ohh yeah well I pick the first option" he said and crossed his arms.

Reaper frowned. Geno saw this. He didn't want to make Reaper sad.

"But maybe seeing each other once in a while would be good" he said with a smile and a slight blush.

Reapers smile came back and he hugged Geno. "Ummm on second thought-"
Nightmare and Cross were just watching this happen. They didn't even mutter a word to each other. Once everyone was done Cross and his friend's left. Nightmare and Cross had no interaction a side from when Cross came in and a little when they were explaining things. It broke both of their hearts.

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